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Change the values of variables referenced in BBOM0001I messages

BBOM0001I messages are issued during server startup, and indicate the product configuration settings. Unless otherwise indicated, these variables apply to all application servers, including the deployment managers, node agents, and JMS servers.

Not all of these settings can be changed. However, the settings that we can change must be changed using the console. Any changes that we make directly to the was.env file for a specific server are discarded the next time that you use the console to make a configuration change.

Use the following table to determine which product variable, custom property or console field must be updated to change the value of a specific internal variable.

to external WebSphere variable, custom property or console fields. The following table maps internal variable references in BBOM0001I messages to external WebSphere variables,
Internal Variable Name How to Change Indicated Value Comments
adjunct_ region_ libpath (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Adjunct > Environment entries > LIBPATH, and specify a different value. Libpath for the adjunct process' JVM.
cell_ name User cannot change. Initially specified during installation and customization.
cell_ short_ name User cannot change. Initially specified during installation and customization.
client_ ras_ logstream_ name In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the client_ ras_ logstreamname property and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
com_ ibm_ security_ SAF_ EJBROLE_ Audit_ Messages_ Suppress In the console, click Security > Security administration > Applications > Infrastructure. In the Additional Properties section, click Custom properties > New. Add the com_ ibm_ security_ SAF_ EJBROLE_ Audit_ Messages _ Suppress property, and specify a different value.

com_ ibm_ DAEMON_ claim _ ssl_ sys_ v3_ timeout In the console, clickSystem Administration > Node groups > Sysplex node group > z/OS location service. Select an existing alias or create a new SSL Configuration Repertoire.
com_ ibm_ DAEMON_ claimClientAuthentication In the console, clickSystem Administration > Node groups > Sysplex node group > z/OS location service. Select an existing alias or create a new SSL Configuration Repertoire.
com_ ibm_ DAEMON_ claimKeyringName In the console, clickSystem Administration > Node groups > Sysplex node group > z/OS location service. Select an existing alias or create a new SSL Configuration Repertoire.
com_ ibm_ DAEMON_ claimSecurityCipherSuite List In the console, clickSystem Administration > Node groups > Sysplex node group > z/OS location service. Select an existing alias or create a new SSL Configuration Repertoire.
com_ ibm_ DAEMON_ claimSecurityLevel In the console, clickSystem Administration > Node groups > Sysplex node group > z/OS location service. Select an existing alias or create a new SSL Configuration Repertoire.
com_ ibm_ HTTP_ claim_ ssl_ sys_ v2_ timeout User cannot change.

Deprecated feature: This variable has been deprecated.depfeat

com_ ibm_ HTTP_ claim_ ssl_ sys_ v3_ timeout In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > HTTP transports > ssl_ transport.

Transport option only appears if we have an HTTP transport defined for the system.

com_ ibm_ HTTP_ claim_ sslEnabled In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > HTTP transportsssl_ transport.

Transport option only appears if we have an HTTP transport defined for the system.

com_ ibm_ HTTP_ claimClientAuthentication In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > HTTP transports.

Transport option only appears if we have an HTTP transport defined for the system.

com_ ibm_ HTTP_ claimKeyringName In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > HTTP transports.

Transport option only appears if we have an HTTP transport defined for the system.

com_ ibm_ HTTP_ claimSecurityCipherSuite List In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > HTTP transports.

Transport option only appears if we have an HTTP transport defined for the system.

com_ ibm_ HTTP_ claimSecurityLevel In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > HTTP transports.

Transport option only appears if we have an HTTP transport defined for the system.

com_ ibm_ Server_ Security_ Enabled In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Security > Server security. Select an existing alias or create a new SSL Configuration Repertoire.

This setting overrides the setting specified using the Security > Global Security > enabled/disabled field in the console.

control_ region_ classpath In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine, and specify the classpath to be appended. Classpath used by the conroller's JVM.
control_ region_ http_ queue_ timeout_ percent In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ http_ queue_ timeout_ percent property and specify a different value. Indicates the percentage of the HTTP dispatch time limit that should be used as the maximum amount of time that an HTTP request can spend on the workload management (WLM) queue. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ https_ queue_ timeout_ percent In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ https_ queue_ timeout_ percent property and specify a different value. Indicates the percentage of the HTTPS dispatch time limit that should be used as the maximum amount of time that an HTTPS request can spend on the workload management (WLM) queue. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ iiop_ queue_ timeout_ percent In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ iiop_ queue_ timeout_ percent property and specify a different value. Indicates the percentage of the IIOP dispatch time limit that should be used as the maximum amount of time that an IIOP request can spend on the workload management (WLM) queue. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ jvm_ localrefs

Should only be used under the direction of IBM support.
control_ region_ jvm_ logfile User cannot change. File to which the conroller's JVM will write messages.
control_ region_ jvm_ properties_ file User cannot change. Is dynamically created.
control_ region_ libpath In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition, and specify the libpath.

control_ region_ mdb_ queue_ timeout_ percent In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ mdb_ queue_ timeout_ percent property and specify a different value. Indicates the percentage of the MDB dispatch time limit that should be used as the maximum amount of time that an MDB request can spend on the workload management (WLM) queue. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ mdb_ request_ timeout (application server only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ mdb_ request_ timeout property and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ sip_ queue_ timeout_ percent In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ sip_ queue_ timeout_ percent property and specify a different value. Indicates the percentage of the SIP dispatch time limit that should be used as the maximum amount of time that a SIP request can spend on the workload management (WLM) queue. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ sips_ queue_ timeout_ percent In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ sips_ queue_ timeout_ percent property and specify a different value. Indicates the percentage of the SIPS dispatch time limit that should be used as the maximum amount of time that a SIPS request can spend on the workload management (WLM) queue. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ ssl_ thread_ pool_ size

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
control_ region_ thread_ pool_ size

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
control_ region_ thread_ stack_ size

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
control_ region_ timeout_ delay (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ timeout_ delay property and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ timeout_ dump_ action In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ timeout_ dump_ action property and specify SVCDUMP, JAVACORE, HEAPDUMP, TRACEBACK, JAVATDUMP, or NONE for the value. Indicates whether a Java core dump, an SVC dump, or a JVM-initiated TDUMP should be taken whenever a timeout occurs for work that has been dispatched to a servant. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ timeout_ dump_ action_ session In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ timeout_ dump_ action_ session property and specify SVCDUMP, JAVACORE, HEAPDUMP, TRACEBACK, JAVATDUMP, or NONE for the value. Indicates whether a Java core dump, an SVC dump, or a JVM-initiated TDUMP should be taken whenever a timeout occurs for an HTTP, HTTPS, SIP, or SIPS request that has been dispatched to a servant. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ timeout_ save_ last_ servant In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the control_ region_ timeout_ save_ last_ servant property and specify a different value. Indicates whether the last available servant should be abended if a timeout situation occurs on that servant, or the last available servant should remain active until a new servant is initialized. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
control_ region_ use _ java_ g In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine, and select Debug Mode. Indicates if conroller's JVM should use the debug JVM (java_ g). Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
control_ region_ wlm_ dispatch_ timeout (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Container Settings, click Container Services > ORB Service and specify a new value in the WLM timeout field.

daemon_ group_ name User cannot change.

daemon_ protocol_ iiop _ listenIPAddress In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the daemon_ protocol_ iiop_ listenIPAddress property, and specify either * to bind all, or the IP name to specify bind-specific support.

Allows you to restrict the IP addresses to which the location service daemon binds. You set this variable in our cell-level variables.xml file.

daemon_ start_ command User cannot change.

daemon_ start_ command_ args User cannot change.

daemon_ wlmable User cannot change.

daemonInstanceName User cannot change.

daemonName User cannot change.

default_ internal_ work_ transaction_ class In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the default_ internal_ work_ transaction_ class property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
nls_ language In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the nls_ languag property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
node_ name User cannot change.

node_ short_ name User cannot change.

nonauthenticated_ clients_ allowed In the console, click Security > Global security > Authentication, click Authentication Protocol > zSAS authentication.

private_ bborlog_ include _ extra_ server_ info In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the private_ bborlog_ include_ extra_ server_ info property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ accept_ http_ work_ after_ min_ srs In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ accept_ http_ work_ after_ min_ srs property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ accept_ iiop_ work_ after_ min_ srs In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ accept_ iiop_ work_ after_ min_ srs property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ bboc_ log_ response_ failure In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ bboc_ log_ response_ failure property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ bboc_ log_ return_ exception In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ bboc_ log_ return_ exception property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ giop_ level_ highest In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ giop_ level_ highest property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ http_ backlog In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ http_ backlog property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ http_ large_ data_ inbound_ buffer In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ http_ large_ data_ inbound_ buffer property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ http_ large_ data_ response_ buffer In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ http_ large_ data_ response_ buffer property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ http_ max_ connect_ backlog User cannot update. No longer used.
protocol_ http_ max_ keep _ alive_ connections User cannot update. No longer used
protocol_ http_ timeout_ output (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name, and then, under Web Container Settings, click Custom properties. Select the ConnectionResponseTimeout property and specify a new value. See the topic on HTTP transport custom properties for additional information.
protocol_ http_ timeout_ output_ recovery (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ http_ timeout_ output_ recovery property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ http_ transactionClass In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ http_ transactionClass property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ http_ transport_ class_ mapping_ file In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > z/OS additional Settings.

Deprecated feature: This variable is deprecated. When possible, use a workload classification document file instead of this variable. See the information about classifying z/OS workload for more information. depfeat

protocol_ https_ backlog In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ http_ backlog property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ https_ max_ connect_ backlog User cannot change. No longer used.
protocol_ https_ max_ keep_ alive_ connections User cannot change. No longer used.
protocol_ https_ timeout_ output (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Web container settings > Web container > HTTP transports > ssl_ transport See the topic about HTTP transport custom properties for additional information.
protocol_ https_ timeout_ output_ recovery (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ https_ timeout_ output_ recovery property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ https_ transactionClass User cannot change. The value specified for the protocol_ http_ transport_ class_ mapping_ file variable is also used for this variable.

protocol_ iiop_ backlog _ ssl In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ iiop_ backlog_ ssl property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ iiop_ backlog In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ iiop_ backlog property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ iiop_ daemon_ listenIPAddress In the console, click System Administration > Node groups > Sysplex node group > z/OS Location Service. Specify the new IP address.

protocol_ iiop_ daemon_ port In the console, click System Administration > Node groups > sysplex node group > z/OS Location Service.

protocol_ iiop_ daemon_ port_ ssl In the console, click System Administration > Node groups > sysplex node group > z/OS Location Service.

protocol_ iiop_ no_ local_ copies In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Container Settings, click Container Services > ORB Service.

protocol_ iiop_ propagate_ unknown_ service_ ctxs In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ iiop_ propagate_ unknown_ service_ ctxs property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ sip_ timeout_ output_ recovery (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ sip_ timeout_ output_ recovery property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
protocol_ sips_ timeout_ output_ recovery (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the protocol_ sips_ timeout_ output_ recovery property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
ras_ debugEnabled

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ default_ msg_ dd In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ default_ msg_ dd property, and specify a different value.

ras_ dumpoptions_ dumptype

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ hardcopy_ msg_ dd In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ hardcopy_ msg_ dd property, and specify a different value.

ras_ log_ logstreamName In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ log_ logstreamName property, and specify a different value.

ras_ minorcode_ action

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ stderr_ ff_ interval In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ stderr_ ff_ interval property, and specify a different value.

ras_ stdout_ ff_ interval In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ stdout_ ff_ interval property, and specify a different value.

ras_ time_ local In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ time_ local property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
ras_ trace_ basic

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ trace_ ctraceParms

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ trace_ defaultTracingLevel

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ trace_ detail

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ trace_ exclude_ specific

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ trace_ minorCodeTraceBacks

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ trace_ outputLocation In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ trace_ outputLocation property, and specify a different value.

ras_ trace_ specific

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
ras_ trace_ BufferCount In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ trace_ BufferCount property, and specify a different value.

ras_ trace_ BufferSize In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the ras_ trace_ BufferSize property, and specify a different value.

read_ license_ agreement User cannot change. Indicates that the server's initialization code will verify license agreement. The default is 1. If this variable is not set to 1, the server will not initialize.
security_ SMF_ record_ first_ auth_ user In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the pull-down list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the security_ SMF_ record_ first_ auth_ user property, and set it equal to 1 to fill the SM120CRE field with the ID of the first authenticated user. By default, the property is set to 0, and the SM120CRE field is filled with the ID under which the server activity began. This is often the guest ID. If no authentication for a request is required, then the SM120CRE field will NOT contain an authenticated user ID for that request. Instead, it will contain an unauthenticated ID, typically the guest account ID or the WebSphere server ID.
security_ sslKeyring User cannot change. No longer used.
security_ z/OS_ domainName User cannot change. Set during customization.
security_ z/OS_ domainType User cannot change. Set during customization.
security_ zSAS_ ssl_ repertoire In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name > Server security > zSAS Transport > SSL Setttings. Select a different repertoire.

security_ EnableRunAsIdentity In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the security_ EnableRunAsIdentity property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
security_ sslType1 User cannot change. No longer used.
server_ configured_ system_ name User cannot change. Name of the system to which the server instance was originally configured.
server_ generic_ short_ name If the server is clustered, this value is the cluster's short name. If the server is not clustered, this value is the value specified on the server custom property, ClusterTransitionName. Either way, this value can be changed using the console.

server_ generic_ uuid User cannot change. Unique identifier for this server
server_ region_ classpath (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine, and, in the Classpath field, specify the classpath to be appended. Classpath used by the JVM for the servant.
server_ region_ dpm_ dump_ action In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ dpm_ dump_ action property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ dynapplenv_ jclparms (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Servant > Start command arguments, Specify the new parameters. When dynamic applenv is being used (instead of the same content existing in static definition of WLM panels), this variable specifies the JCL parameters provided to the servant region when WLM starts this servant region.
server_ region_ dynapplenv_ jclproc (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > servant > Start command, and then specify the new JCL procedure. When dynamic applenv is used, this variable specifies the name of the JCL procedure for a servant region when WLM starts this servant region.
server_ region_ jvm_ localrefs (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ jvm_ localrefs property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ jvm_ logfile (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ jvm_ logfile property, and specify a different value. Specifies the HFS file that JNI debug messages are written to.
server_ region_ jvm_ properties_ file (application server and deployment manager only) User cannot change File is dynamically created.
server_ region_ libpath (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Servant > Environment entries, and then specify a new value for the LIBPATH property. Libpath for the servant region's JVM
server_ region_ recycle_ count (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ recycle_ count property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ http_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ http_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ https_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ https_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ iiop_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ iiop_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ mdb_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ mdb_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ sip_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ sip_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ sips_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ sips_ stalled_ thread_ dump_ action property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ stalled_ thread_ threshold_ percent (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ region_ stalled_ thread_ threshold_ percent property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ region_ thread_ stack_ size (application server and deployment manager only)

Should only be changed under the direction of IBM Support personnel.
server_ region_ use_ java_ g (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > JVM, and select Debug Mode. Indicates if the servant region's JVM should use the debug JVM (java_ g). Should only be used under the direction of IBM support.
server_ region_ workload _ profile (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Container Settings, click Container Services > ORB Service.

server_ SMF_ container_ activity_ enabled (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ container_ activity_ enabled property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ container_ interval_ enabled (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ container_ interval_ enabled property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ interval_ length (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ interval_ length property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ request _ activity_ enabled In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ request_ activity_ enabled property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ outbound_ enabled In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ outbound_ enabled property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ request _ activity_ enabled _ CPU_ detail In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ request_ activity_ enabled_ CPU_ detail property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ request _ activity_ enabled_ security In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ request _ activity_ enabled_ security property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ request _ activity_ enabled _ timestamps In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ request_ activity_ enabled_ timestamps property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ server_ activity_ enabled (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ server_ activity_ enabled property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information..
server_ SMF_ server_ interval_ enabled (application server and deployment manager only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition > Control > Environment entries. Add the server_ SMF_ server_ interval_ enabled property and specify a different value. See the topic about using the WAS console to enable properties for specific SMF record types for additional information.
server_ SMF_ web_ container_ activity_ enabled User cannot change. No longer used.
server_ SMF_ web_ container_ interval_ enabled User cannot change. No longer used.
serverRegionid User cannot change. No longer used.
server_ specific_ name User cannot change.

server_ specific_ short_ name In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name, and specify a new value in the Short name field.

server_ specific_ uuid User cannot change. Unique identifier for this server
server_ start_ wait_ for_ initialization_ Timeout In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ start_ wait_ for_ initialization_ Timeout property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
server_ wto_ on_ write_ error In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the server_ wto_ on_ write_ error property, and specify a different value. Indicates whether the error message BBOO0384I ERROR OCCURRED WRITING TO {0} is written to the SYSLOG when an error occurs while writing to SYSPRINT or SYSOUT. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
suppress_ hung_ thread_ abend (application server only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the suppress_ hung_ thread_ abend property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.

suppress_ hung_ thread_ dump (application server only)

In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the suppress_ hung_ thread_ dump property, and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
transaction_ defaultTimeout (application server only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Container Settings, click Container Services > Transaction Service and specify a new value in the Transaction lifetime timeout field. The maximum duration, in seconds, for transactions on this application server. Any transaction that is not requested to complete before this timeout will be rolled back. Default is 120.
transaction_ maximumTimeout (application server only) In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Container Settings, click Container Services > Transaction Service and specify a new value in the Maximum Transaction Timeout field. The maximum duration, in seconds, that transactions propagated into the server or transactions started by BMT components from within the server will be allowed to execute. Any transaction that is not requested to complete before this timeout will be rolled back. Default is 300.
transaction_ recoveryTimeout (application server only) In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the transaction_ recoveryTimeout property and specify a different value. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
was_ env_ file User cannot change. File is dynamically created.
wlm_ dynapplenv_ single_ server (application server and deployment manager only) For an application server, In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Server instance. For a deployment manager, in the console, click System administration > dmgr. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Server instance.

wlm_ maximumSRCount (application server and deployment manager only) For an application server, In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Server instance. For a deployment manager, in the console, click System administration > dmgr. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Server instance

wlm_ minimumSRCount (application server and deployment manager only) For an application server, In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Server instance. For a deployment manager, in the console, click System administration > dmgr. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Server instance

wsadmin_ dumpthreads_ enable_ heapdump In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the wsadmin_ dumpthreads_ enable_ heapdump property, and specify either 0 or 1. Indicates whether a Java heap dump is generated, in addition to a Java core dump when you issue the wsadmin dumpThreads command. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.
wsadmin_ dumpthreads_ enable_ javatdump In the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available nodes and cells, and then click New. Add the wsadmin_ dumpthreads_ enable_ javatdump property, and specify either 0 or 1. Indicates whether a system TDUMP is generated, in addition to a Java core dump when you issue the wsadmin dumpThreads command. See the information about z/OS custom properties for the application server.

After you determine which WebSphere variable, custom property or console field needs to be updated, complete the following procedure to change the value of that setting.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate console panel. The "How to change indicated value" column describes how to navigate within the console to the appropriate panel for changing a specific internal variable setting. For example, to change the setting of the wlm_ maximumSRCount variable for an application server, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_ name. Then, under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Server instance.

  2. Update the variable, custom property, or console field with the new value.

  3. Click Apply, and then click SAVE to save the changes.

Related tasks

  • Use the console to enable properties for specific SMF record types
  • Configure for database session persistence
  • Classifying z/OS workload

  • Session management custom properties

    Related information:

  • Application server custom properties for z/OS