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Update enterprise application files

We can update Java EE application files deployed on a server.

Update the Java EE application or modules and reassemble them using an assembly tool. Typical tasks include adding or editing assembly properties, adding or importing modules into an application, and adding enterprise beans, web components, and files.

Also, determine whether the updated files can be installed to the deployment targets. Version 8.x supports Java EE 6 enterprise applications and modules.

If we are deploying Java EE 6 modules, ensure that the deployment target and its node support Version 8.0 or later. We can deploy Java EE 6 modules to Version 8.x servers or to clusters containing Version 8.x cluster members only. We cannot deploy Java EE 6 modules to servers on Version 7.x or 6.x nodes or to clusters containing Version 7.x or 6.x cluster members.

The console Server collection pages show the versions for deployment targets.

Update consists of adding a new file or module to an installed application, or replacing or removing an installed application, file or module. After replacement of a full application, the old application is uninstalled. After replacement of a module, file or partial application, the old installed module, file or partial application is removed from the installed application.

Service Component Architecture (SCA) applications can contain Java EE modules as well as SCA composites. We can use the procedure described in this topic to update Java EE modules in SCA applications. However, we cannot use this procedure to update SCA composites or other SCA-specific files.

  1. Determine which method to use to update the application files. The product provides several ways to update modules.

  2. Update the application files using

    In some situations, we can update applications or modules without restarting the application server using hot deployment. Do not use hot deployment unless you are an experienced user and are updating applications in a development or test environment.

  3. If needed, restart the application manually so the changes take effect. Start the deployed application files using

    • Administrative console

    • wsadmin startApplication

    • Java programs that use ApplicationManager or AppManagement MBeans

    When you update an application while it is running, the product automatically stops the application or only its changed components, updates the application logic, and restarts the stopped application or its components.

    If we update module metadata while an application is running, restarting the application might not be sufficient for the changes to take effect. For example, if you change descriptors in running Java EE 6 applications that use annotations, you must reinstall the application. If we change classes that introduce, remove, or alter class hierarchies within an application, and those changes impact annotated classes, we also must reinstall the application.

What to do next

Save the changes to the administrative configuration.

When saving the configuration, synchronize the configuration with the nodes where the application is expected to run.

Avoid trouble:


Next, test the application. For example, point a web browser at the URL for a deployed application (typically http://hostname:9060/web_module_name, where hostname is the valid web server and 9060 is the default port number) and examine the performance of the application. If the application does not perform as desired, edit the application configuration, then save and test it again.


Related concepts

  • Development and assembly tools
  • Installable enterprise module versions

    Related tasks

  • Start or stop enterprise applications
  • Start applications

    Install enterprise application files by adding them to a monitored directory

  • Update installed applications using wsdmin.sh
  • Manage applications through programming
  • Troubleshooting deployment
  • Configure enterprise application files
  • Deploy

  • Server collection

    Related information:
    rapid deployment of Java EE applications
    IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: System management for WebSphere Application Server V6 -- Part 5 Flexible options for updating deployed applications