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Export assets

After application binary files are imported and registered with the product management domain as assets, we can export those assets.

Import one or more assets. The file name of each deployable object in the imported assets is shown on the list of assets on the console Assets page.

We can export copies of assets to a target location. Exporting stores application binary files, enabling you to back up the files or edit them. The file resulting from exporting an asset contains configuration information for the asset.

The steps describe how to export an asset from the console Assets page. Alternatively, we can use programming or wsadmin.sh.

  1. Go to the Export asset page.

    1. To access the Assets page...

        Applications | Application Types | Assets

    2. Select the check box next to the asset to export.

    3. Click Export.

  2. On the Export asset page, click the asset name or identifier.

    To cancel the export operation and return to the Assets page, click Back.

  3. Specify the target location for the asset file.

What to do next

Examine the target file to verify that the asset exported correctly. We can later edit this file and import the edited asset.

Related concepts

  • Assets

    Related tasks

  • Import assets
  • Manage assets
  • Listing assets using programming
  • Export an asset using programming
  • Manage assets

  • Asset collection