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Manage profiles using commands

Use commands to create a profile, start the server of the profile, display ports used by the server, and open the console.

This task assumes a basic familiarity with the command, other application server commands, and system commands.

Before we can create and use a profile, install the product.

To create a profile, start the server of the profile, display ports used by the server, and open the console for the server.

This example deals with the profile environment of a standalone application server.

  1. Create the server profile from the original installation:

    • app_server_root\bin\manageprofiles.bat

    • app_server_root/bin/manageprofiles.sh

    • (iseries) app_server_root/bin/manageprofiles

    Assume that we create the profile using the defaults. The following script is an example for creating an application server profile:

    • app_server_root\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\default

    • app_server_root/bin/manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/default

    • (iseries) app_server_root/bin/manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/default

  2. Change directories to the profile_root/bin directory of the new server profile.

  3. Start the server.

    Issue the startServer command.

    (iseries) The server name is the same name as the profile, which, in this case, is profile_name.

    The -profileName argument is not necessary if we have already changed to the profile_root/bin directory of the target profile.

  4. Display the ports.

    These are the ports assigned during profile creation.

    Open the portdef.props file in the profile_root\properties directory.

    Open the portdef.props file in the profile_root/properties directory.

    (iseries) Use the dspwasinst QShell script to display the ports for the new profile:

      app_server_root/bin/dspwasinst -profileName profileName

    The WC_adminhost and WC_adminhost_secure ports listed are the nonsecure and secure console ports, respectively.

  5. Open the console.

    The server1 console is defined on the WC_adminhost setting for the non-secure console port or the WC_adminhost_secure setting for the secure console port.

    If the value of the WC_adminhost port for the server is 20003, for example, specify the following web address in the browser:


    If the value of the WC_adminhost_secure port for the server is 9061, for example, specify the following web address in the browser:



We created an application server profile, started an application server, and accessed the console using the browser.

What to do next

Deploy an application.

  • manageprofiles command