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Add users and groups to topic roles

Service integration bus security uses role-based authorization. When messaging security, and topic level authorization is enabled, users and groups must be authorized to access topics in a publish/subscribe topic hierarchy. By adding users and groups to topic roles, you control access to a topic in a selected topic space.

Topics are organized into one or more hierarchies within a topic space. If the Topic Access Check Required setting is enabled for the topic space, a user must have authorization to access the topic itself. We can add access roles to a topic before it is created at runtime. A topic inherits access roles from its parent unless you explicitly block the inheritance. For more information, see Enable topic role inheritance.

In this task you use an console wizard to add users or groups to the sender and receiver roles for a selected topic.

  1. Log into the console.

  2. Click Service integration -> Buses -> security_value -> [Authorization Policy] Manage topic access roles -> topic_space_name > topic_name. The Topic space root panel lists the users and groups assigned to role types for the selected topic.

  3. Click Add to start the Security wizard:

    1. Provide the following information to enable the wizard to identify the users or groups to add to role types for the selected topic:


      Specify the name of the topic.

      Users or Groups

      Select either Users or Groups to specify whether to grant access roles to users or groups.

      Search pattern

      This field is mandatory. Specify a search string that is matched against user IDs or group names in the user repository. Only user IDs or group names that match the search pattern are retrieved, subject to the maximum number of search results. Wild card characters are allowed.

      Maximum number of search results to display

      This field is mandatory. Specify the maximum number of user IDs or group names we want the console to display.

    2. Click Next. The wizard lists the users IDs or group names that match the information that you provided in the previous step.

    3. Select the check boxes for the user IDs or group names to assign to roles for the selected topic.

    4. Click Next. The wizard lists the topic role types that we can assign for the users or groups selected in the previous step. Role types might already have been assigned for a specific user or group.

    5. Select the role types for each of the selected users or groups. For example, to assign a user ID to the sender role, select the Sender icon for that user ID. The icon changes from


      to show that we have added the user or group to the access role for the resource.

    6. Click Next. A summary of your role type assignments for the selected topic is displayed.

    7. Optional: To change the assignments, click Previous to return to the Select role types step. Make changes to the assignments, and click Next to return to the Confirm step.

    8. Click Finish to confirm the assignments and save the changes to the master configuration.


The updated role type assignments for the selected users or groups are displayed in the Topic access roles panel.

Related concepts

  • Messaging security
  • Topic security
  • Role-based authorization

  • Access role assignments for bus security resources
  • addGroupToTopicRole command
  • addUserToTopicRole command

    Related information:

  • Listing users and groups in topic roles
  • Remove users and groups from topic roles
  • Enable topic role inheritance
  • Disable topic role inheritance
  • Topic [Settings]