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Create a new Version 6.1 WS-Notification service

Create a new WS-Notification service and the associated objects that form the infrastructure of the WS-Notification configuration. Use this type of service if to expose a JAX-RPC WS-Notification service that uses the same technology provided in WAS v6.1, including the ability to apply JAX-RPC handlers to the service. This WS-Notification option has been available in WebSphere Application Server from Version 6.1.

Ensure that we have successfully configured an SDO repository, as described in Configure the SDO repository. The SDO repository is used to store WSDL documents during the creation of the WS-Notification service. If we do not configure the repository, an error message appears when creating the service.

Decide which method to use to configure these resources. We can create a new Version 6.1 WS-Notification service using the console as described in this task, or using the createWSNService command.

This task assumes that we have an existing service integration bus, configured with at least one bus member.

You usually configure one WS-Notification service for a service integration bus, but we can configure more than one. For more information, see Reasons to create multiple WS-Notification services in a bus.

Define a WS-Notification service on a bus is not the same as exposing a NotificationBroker (WSDL) port to which web services applications can connect. To do this, create one or more WS-Notification service points as described in this task.

A WS-Notification service provides the ability to expose some or all of the messaging resources defined on a service integration bus for use by WS-Notification applications.

A JAX-RPC handler list and WS-Security bindings define the parameters and security policy used when making outbound web service invocations, for example monitoring outbound event notification (in response to a subscribe operation) and controlling demand-based publishers (subscribe, pause and resume).

When creating a Version 6.1 WS-Notification service, the wizard configures three service integration bus inbound services for the WS-Notification service, one for each of the three WS-Notification service roles:

These inbound services are defined on the same service integration bus as the Version 6.1 WS-Notification service, and each of these inbound services refers to the same bus destination.

  1. Start the console.

  2. Navigate to Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services or Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services. The WS-Notification services [Collection] form is displayed.

  3. In the content pane, click New. The "New WS-Notification service" wizard is displayed. For more information about the properties set with the wizard, see WS-Notification services [Settings].

  4. Step 1: Configure name, description, service integration bus and dynamic topic namespace settings.

    1. Enter the chosen name and an optional description.

      The name forms part of the endpoint on which the service is exposed (that is, the URL used to access the WS-Notification service points defined under the service). For Version 6.1 WS-Notification services, the service name is unique within a bus. For Version 7.0 WS-Notification services the service name is unique within the cell, which matches the administration model used for policy sets and therefore supports composition of Version 7.0 WS-Notification services with WS-ReliableMessaging.

    2. Select or deselect the option Enable dynamic topic namespaces?.

      Indicates whether dynamic topic namespaces can be used within the WS-Notification service. That is, whether this service allows dynamic topic namespaces to be created at run time. For more information, see Dynamic topic namespace.

      Use this option to tightly control the topic namespaces used when connecting to a particular WS-Notification service (for example for security or auditing requirements). If we deselect this option, any applications that connect to the WS-Notification service and request topics from a dynamic topic namespace are stopped from publishing or receiving messages.

      All messages published to a dynamic topic namespace are inserted with the default message reliability setting of reliable persistent. If this value is not acceptable, create a permanent topic namespace and manually configure the attribute to the appropriate value.

      The dynamic topic namespaces used on a particular WS-Notification service are backed by a service integration bus topic space created automatically when creating the topic namespace. The syntax of topics used within this topic space is internal to the WS-Notification service implementation.

    3. Select or deselect the option Requires registration.

      Indicates whether publisher applications are required to register with the broker before they can publish notifications.

    4. Select a service integration bus from the drop-down list.

    5. Click Next.

  5. Step 2: Select WS-Notification service type.

    Select Version 6.1 as the type of service to create.

  6. Step 3: Configure handler and web service policy settings.

    These settings are applied to the event notifications exchanged with WS-Notification client applications.

    1. Optional: Choose a JAX-RPC handler list.

      The JAX-RPC handler list that is applied to outbound requests from the WS-Notification service - for example the broker delivering notifications to a consumer. For more information about handler lists, see Work with JAX-RPC handlers and clients.

    2. Optional: Choose a WS-Security configuration and bindings:

      Outbound security request binding

      The security binding to be used with consumer notifications and remote publisher requests sent by this WS-Notification service.

      Outbound security response binding

      The security binding to be used with remote publisher responses received by this WS-Notification service.

      Outbound security configuration

      Details of how security is applied to requests and responses.

      For more information about Web Services Security resources, see Configure secure transmission of SOAP messages by using WS-Security.

    3. Enter a dynamic topic space name.

      The name of the service integration bus topic space to be used as the dynamic topic space for this WS-Notification service. That is, the name of the bus topic space used to host the ad-hoc topic namespace, and to host dynamic topic namespaces if they are permitted. A default name of WSN_dynamic_this_service_name is offered.

    4. Click Next.

  7. Step 4: Create WS-Notification service points.

    A WS-Notification service point defines access to a WS-Notification service on a given bus member through a specified web service binding (for example SOAP over HTTP). Applications use the bus members associated with the WS-Notification service point to connect to the WS-Notification service. The existence of a WS-Notification service point on a bus member implies that a WS-Notification web service is exposed from that bus member, and causes web service endpoints for the notification broker, subscription manager and publisher registration manager for this WS-Notification service to be exposed on the bus member with which the service point is associated. WS-Notification applications use these endpoints to interact with the WS-Notification service. For more information, see WS-Notification service point.

    1. Select Yes to create a new WS-Notification service point, then click Next.

      A WS-Notification service must have at least one service point.

    2. Supply a name and (Optional) description for the WS-Notification service point, and from the drop-down list select the bus member on which the service point is to be configured, then click Next.

      The service point name forms part of the URL used to access the service point (that is, the address of the web service that is exposed on the chosen server). On a single server system there is only one bus member in the list.

    3. Select a listener application to use to expose the service. Either select an existing endpoint listener for this bus member, or Create a new endpoint listener.

      For more information, see Create a new endpoint listener configuration.

    4. Click Next. The new service point is added to the list of service points for this WS-Notification service.

    5. Optional: To create another service point, repeat the previous substeps.

    6. When we have finished creating service points for this WS-Notification service, select No for the option to create another service point, then click Next.

  8. Optional: Step 5: Create permanent topic namespaces.

    When creating a new WS-Notification permanent topic namespace, specified the namespace and associate it with one of the service integration bus topic spaces configured on the bus on which the parent WS-Notification service is defined. We cannot modify a permanent topic namespace after it has been created, other than to apply or remove topic namespace documents. For more information, see Permanent topic namespace.

    1. Select Yes to create a new permanent topic namespace, then click Next.

    2. Enter a name for the permanent topic namespace.

      This is the URI by which WS-Notification applications refer to topics hosted by this namespace.

    3. Associate this new permanent topic namespace with the service integration bus topic space to use to publish and receive messages.

      From the service integration bus topic space drop-down list, complete one of the following actions:

      • Choose the name of an existing bus topic space.

      • Choose the option to Create a new topic space, then enter a name for the new topic space.

    4. Select from the drop-down list the service integration bus reliability (quality of service) assigned to messages published through this topic namespace.

      We can choose one of five values, each representing one of the service integration bus message reliability levels. The default value is reliable persistent, which is the value used by default for JMS Persistent messages.

    5. Click Next.

      The new permanent topic namespace is added to a list of permanent topic namespaces for this WS-Notification service, and you are asked whether to create another permanent topic namespace (default is Yes).

    6. Optional: To create another permanent topic namespace, repeat the previous substeps.

    7. When we have finished creating permanent topic namespaces for this WS-Notification service, select No for the option to create another permanent topic namespace, then click Next.

  9. Step 6: Summary.

    Check that the summary of the actions taken by the wizard is as you expected, then click Finish. If the processing completes successfully, the list of WS-Notification services is updated to include the new Version 6.1 WS-Notification service. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

  10. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  11. Optional: Restart the server if either of the following conditions apply:

    • A new bus or new bus member has been created as part of this task.

    • Configuration reload is not enabled for the bus.

What to do next

To undertake advanced configuration tasks for this WS-Notification service (for example adding additional WS-Notification service points, or applying topic namespace documents to permanent topic namespaces), see Modify a Version 6.1 WS-Notification service.


Related concepts

  • WS-Notification
  • Reasons to create multiple WS-Notification services in a bus

    Related tasks

  • Create a new Version 7.0 WS-Notification service
  • Create a new Version 7.0 WS-Notification service point
  • Create a new Version 6.1 WS-Notification service point
  • Create a new WS-Notification administered subscriber
  • Create a new WS-Notification permanent topic namespace
  • Apply a WS-Notification topic namespace document
  • Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services
  • Secure WS-Notification
  • Configure the SDO repository

  • WS-Notification troubleshooting tips
  • createWSNService command
  • WS-Topics Version 1.3 OASIS Standard

    Related information:

  • Publish the WSDL files for a WS-Notification application to a compressed file
  • Configure JAX-WS handlers
  • WS-Notification services [Settings]