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Use a script to get up and running quickly with WS-Notification

Use a jython script to configure the necessary resources to get up and running quickly with WS-Notification in WebSphere Application Server.

The example script provided in this topic is intended for development use on a single server only, and not for use in production or network deployment environments.

We can use the example script to configure a default set of resources that enable you to connect WS-Notification applications for development purposes. When executed, the script takes the following actions:

  1. It searches in the configuration for an existing service integration bus, and creates one if necessary.

  2. It searches for an existing bus member, and if one is not found it adds the (stand-alone) server to the bus, and uses the default data source.

  3. It searches for an existing service integration bus topic space destination, and creates one if necessary.

  4. It creates a Version 6.1 or Version 7.0 WS-Notification service.

  5. It creates a Version 6.1 or Version 7.0 WS-Notification service point on the local server for a SOAP over HTTP binding.

  6. It creates a WS-Notification permanent topic namespace to reference the service integration bus topic space that was found or created in step 3.

  7. It saves the configuration, and describes where to find the WSDL for the new notification broker web service that has been exposed.

To use the example script...

  1. Save the script to the file system and use a name of your choice (for example wsnQuickStart.py).

  2. Modify the hostRoot variable defined at the top of the script to point to the HTTP port of the local server (usually 9080).

  3. (This step is required only for a Version 6.1 WS-Notification service) Install and configure the SDO repository.

  4. Start the server, then execute the following command. If we saved the script with a name other than wsnQuickStart.py, then use that name instead.

      wsadmin -f wsnQuickStart.py


Here is the example script:
# WS-Notification QuickStart script                                                   #
#                                                                                     #
# This Jython script will quickly create the basic resources  required in order to     #
# start using WS-Notification in WAS v6.1 or later    #
#                                                                                     #
# Before executing it modify the variables defined below to match the     #
# configuration settings.                                                         #
#                                                                                     #
# Note:                                                                               #
#    - This script is not intended for production use, and is intended for use on     #
#      a stand-alone server (not network deployment) only.                         #
#    - The script will search the configuration for an existing bus, and if one is   #
#      not found then a new bus will be created                                       #
#    - It will then look for an existing Bus Member on the chosen bus. If one is not  #
#      found then one will be created using the default File Store                    #
#    - It will then look for an existing service integration bus topic space. If one  #
#      is not found then it will create one.                                      #
#                                                                                     #
# Execute the script by typing;                                                       #
#   wsadmin -f wsnQuickStart.py                                                       #
#                                                                                     #
# Configuration variables                                 #
#                                                         #
# Set the following variables to match the configuration #
# The URL root of HTTP port on the local server hostRoot = "http://xyz.ibm.com:9080"
# The type of WS-Notification service to create (Version 6.1 or Version 7.0)
wsnServiceType = "V7.0"
# Now create the configuration objects using the variables defined above              #
 # These variables are arbitrary choices and need not be set unless  required.
wsnServiceName = "myWSNService"+wsnServiceType
wsnServicePointName = "myWSNServicePoint"+wsnServiceType
eplName = "myNewEPL"
tnsNamespaceURI = "http://example.org/topicNamespace/example1"
 # General environment variables
nodeName = AdminTask.listNodes().split("\n")[0].rstrip()
server = AdminTask.listServers().split("\n")[0].rstrip()
 print "###########################################################"
print "# Check the pre-requisites before you begin               #"
print "###########################################################"
# Check for the existence of the bus requiresRestart = "false"
myBuses = AdminTask.listSIBuses().split("\n")
myBus = myBuses[0].rstrip()
 if (myBus == ""):
        print "  *** Creating new bus "
        myBus = AdminTask.createSIBus("-bus MySampleBus -busSecurity false                                         -scriptCompatibility 6.1")
        requiresRestart = "true"
#endIf  siBusName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(myBus, "name" )
print "  service integration bus name: "+siBusName+" "
 # Check for the existence of the bus member
busMembers = AdminTask.listSIBusMembers(" -bus "+siBusName).split("\n")
myBusMember = busMembers[0].rstrip()
 if (myBusMember == ""):
        print ""
        print "  *** Creating new Bus Member "
        busMemberName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(server, "name")
        myBusMember = AdminTask.addSIBusMember(" -bus "+siBusName+"                          -node "+nodeName+" -server "+busMemberName)
        print ""
        requiresRestart = "true"
        nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(myBusMember, "node")
        busMemberName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(myBusMember, "server")
#endElse  print "  service integration bus Member on node: "+nodeName+" "
print "                               on server: "+busMemberName+" "
 # Find a topic space to use topicSpaces = AdminTask.listSIBDestinations(" -bus "+siBusName+"                                    -type TopicSpace ").split("\n")
tSpace = topicSpaces[0].rstrip()
 if (tSpace == ""):
        print "  *** Creating a Topic Space "
        tSpace = AdminTask.createSIBDestination(" -bus "+siBusName+"                          -node "+nodeName+" -server "+myBusMember+"                          -name MyTopicSpace -type TopicSpace")
        print ""
 #endIf  siBusTopicSpaceName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(tSpace, "identifier" )
print "     service integration bus topic space: "+siBusTopicSpaceName+" "
 print ""
print "###########################################################"
print "# Create the WS-Notification service                      #"
print "###########################################################"
newService = AdminTask.listWSNServices(" -name "+wsnServiceName+"                              -bus "+siBusName).split("\n")[0].rstrip()
 if (newService == ""):
        newService = AdminTask.createWSNService(" -name "+wsnServiceName+"                              -bus "+siBusName+" "+" -type "+wsnServiceType)
        print "WS-Notification service created: "+wsnServiceName+" "
        print "                         on bus: "+siBusName+" "
        print "WS-Notification service '"+wsnServiceName+"' "
        print "  already exists on bus '"+siBusName+"' "
#endElse   print ""
print "###########################################################"
print "# Create the WS-Notification service point                #"
print "###########################################################"
eplURLRoot = hostRoot+"/wsn"
wsdlURLRoot = hostRoot+"/SIBWS/wsdl"
 newServicePoint = AdminTask.listWSNServicePoints(newService, "
                -name "+wsnServicePointName+" " ).split("\n")[0].rstrip()
 if (newServicePoint == ""):
        if (wsnServiceType == "V7.0"):
            newServicePoint = AdminTask.createWSNServicePoint(newService, "
            -name "+wsnServicePointName+" -node "+nodeName+" -server "+busMemberName)
            newServicePoint = AdminTask.createWSNServicePoint(newService, "
            -name "+wsnServicePointName+"              -node "+nodeName+" -server "+busMemberName+" -eplName "+eplName+"              -eplURLRoot "+eplURLRoot+" -eplWSDLServingURLRoot "+wsdlURLRoot+" " )
        print "WS-Notification service point created: "+wsnServicePointName+" "
        print "                        on bus member: "+busMemberName+" "
        print "                              on node: "+nodeName+" "
        print "WS-Notification service point '"+wsnServicePointName+"' "
        print "already exists on WS-Notification service '"+wsnServiceName+"' "
#endElse   print ""
print "###########################################################"
print "# Create the WS-Notification permanent topic namespace    #"
print "###########################################################"
newTopicNamespace = AdminTask.listWSNTopicNamespaces(newService, "
                    -namespace "+tnsNamespaceURI+" ").split("\n")[0].rstrip()
 if (newTopicNamespace == ""):
    newTopicNamespace = AdminTask.createWSNTopicNamespace(newService, "
      -namespace "+tnsNamespaceURI+" -busTopicSpace "+siBusTopicSpaceName+"        -reliability RELIABLE_PERSISTENT")
  print "WS-Notification topic namespace created: "+tnsNamespaceURI+" "
  print "                        bus topic space: "+siBusTopicSpaceName+" "
  print "WS-Notification permanent topic namespace already exists: "
        +tnsNamespaceURI+" "
#endElse   #######################################################################################
# All the objects have been created - inform the user where to proceed next           #
 print ""
print "###########################################################"
print "# Summary                                                 #"
print "###########################################################"
 # Calculate where you would find the WSDL for the new service.
if (wsnServiceType == "V7.0"):
  print "IMPORTANT: Because you've created a Version 7.0 service"    print "we need to start the newly installed application;"
  print "           WSN_"+wsnServiceName+"_"+wsnServicePointName    print ""
   wsdlLocation = hostRoot+"/"+wsnServiceName+wsnServicePointName
  print "IMPORTANT: Because you've created a Version 6.1 service"    print "we need to start 2 newly installed applications;"
  serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(server, "name")
  print "           "+eplName+"."+nodeName+"."+serverName
  print "           sibws."+nodeName+"."+serverName
  print ""
  wsdlLocation = hostRoot+"/wsn/soaphttpengine/"+siBusName+"/"
print " The WSDL for the new service can be viewed at the following location; "
print "   "+wsdlLocation+" "
print ""
print " Your web service applications can publish and subscribe to any topics in the namespace; "
print "   "+tnsNamespaceURI+" "
print ""
if (requiresRestart == "true"):
  print " We must now restart the server for the changes to take effect. "
  print ""
#endIf   print ""
print "###########################################################"
print "# Save the configuration and exit                         #"
print "###########################################################"

Related concepts

  • WS-Notification

    Related tasks

  • Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services
  • Secure WS-Notification
  • Configure WS-Notification resources

  • WS-Notification troubleshooting tips
  • WSNotificationCommands (AdminTask)