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Migrating a Version 6.1 WS-Notification configuration from WAS v6.1 to Version 7.0 or later

We can migrate an existing Version 6.1 WS-Notification configuration to run in a WAS v7 or later environment.

This topic assumes that we have the following configuration:

When you migrate the system from WAS v6.1 to Version 7.0 or later, any existing WS-Notification configuration (for example WS-Notification services, service points, administered subscribers), and the associated service integration bus resources (for example inbound services and endpoint listeners) are automatically migrated to valid configuration elements within the new installation. The services and service points are migrated to Version 6.1 WS-Notification services and service points, the endpoint URLs for the service points are unchanged, and the functions supported are exactly the same as in WAS v6.1. For example, reliable notification is not possible with Version 6.1 WS-Notification services and service points.

Any messages pending notification are delivered following the update and server startup sequence.

For network deployment scenarios where a deployment manager is upgraded to WAS v7 or later before its federated servers, the federated servers are not available as bus members for Version 7.0 WS-Notification service points.

  1. Migrate the product configuration from WAS v6.1 to Version 7.0 or later.

  2. Check that notifications are being published and consumed correctly in the migrated system.

    Initiate the program, process, or application that includes the WS-Notification client (or clients), and that causes notifications to be requested and transmitted.


The WS-Notification services and resources are migrated to Version 6.1 WS-Notification services and resources that run under WAS v7 or later. Any messages pending notification are delivered.

What to do next

We are now ready (optionally) to prepare your migrated Version 6.1 WS-Notification configuration for reliable notification.

Related concepts

  • WS-Notification

    Related tasks

  • Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services
  • Secure WS-Notification

  • WS-Notification troubleshooting tips