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Listing subscriptions

Use this task to list the subscriptions that exist at runtime for a topic space.

The runtime state of a subscription is linked to the publication point for the messaging engine used to store messages delivered to the subscription. We can list subscriptions by first displaying the publication point, either from the messaging engine panel or the list of all publication points for a service integration bus.

To display a list of subscriptions for a publication point, use the console to complete the following steps:

  1. Click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Destination resources] Destinations. This displays any existing destinations in the content pane.

  2. Click the name of the topic space.

  3. Under Message Points, click Publication points. This displays the publication points for the topic space.

  4. Click the name of the publication point.

  5. Click the Runtime tab.

  6. Under Additional Properties, click Subscriptions


The list of subscriptions for the selected topic space is displayed in the content pane. For more information about the list of subscriptions, see Subscriptions [Collection].

Each subscription has a unique subscription identifier that has the form, clientID##subName where:


The client identifier used to associate a connection and its objects with the messages maintained for applications (as clients of the JMS provider). You should use a naming convention that helps you identify the applications, in case we have to relate subscriptions to the associated applications for runtime administration. For more information about client identifiers, see section 4.3.2 of the JMS 1.1 specification.


The JMS subscription name used to uniquely identify a durable subscription within a given client identifier. For more information about JMS subscription names, see section 6.11.1 of the JMS 1.1 specification.

What to do next

To display details of a subscription, click the name of the subscription in the list. To delete one or more subscriptions, select the check box next to the subscription names then click Delete.

Related information:

  • The consequences of changing durable subscriptions
  • Known remote subscription points [Collection]
  • Subscriptions [Collection]