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Listing or deleting active WS-Notification publisher registrations

List the publisher registrations that exist at run time for a particular WS-Notification service point, or for all service points for a particular WS-Notification service.

A WS-Notification application can register itself as a publisher in order to check that it is permitted to publish on the specified list of topics, or to initiate the demand based publisher pattern.

The runtime panels for WS-Notification publisher registrations list the publisher registrations that are currently in effect on this WS-Notification service or service point (that is, applications that have registered as publishers). We can view the basic properties of the registration record. We can also delete a publisher registration record. For example, to tidy up after a badly-behaved application.

Both the WS-Notification subscription and publisher registration resources include the concept of scheduled termination, in which the application indicates a period of time after which the resource is destroyed. "Badly-behaved" in this case describes an application that requests an infinite lifetime for a resource and then does not explicitly delete the resource before it goes away (never to return).

To display a list of WS-Notification publisher registrations that exist at run time, use the console to complete the following steps:

  1. Choose between information for a particular service point, or information aggregated for all service points for a particular service, by completing one of the following substeps:

    1. Optional: For runtime information for a particular service point, navigate to either Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name or Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name, then click the Runtime tab.
      A panel is displayed containing links to runtime information about subscriptions, registrations, pull points and administered subscribers for this WS-Notification service point.

    2. Optional: For runtime information aggregated for all service points for a particular service, navigate to either Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services -> service_name or Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name, then click the Runtime tab.
      A panel is displayed containing links to runtime information about subscriptions, registrations and pull points for this WS-Notification service.

  2. Click Publisher registrations The Publisher registrations [Collection] form is displayed. This form shows all the currently active publisher registrations for this WS-Notification service point or service. This collection form contains the following information about each list item:

    Publisher ID

    The unique identifier of this publisher registration.


    The topic on which the publisher is registered to publish. That is, the list of topics contained within a single service integration bus topic space (and thus durable subscription).

    Creation time

    The time at which the registration was created.

    Termination time

    The time at which the registration will be deleted.

    Demand based

    Indicates whether this is a demand based publisher. This displays "Yes" or "No".

    Producer EPR

    Additional publisher related data. The endpoint reference of the producer that created this registration.

What to do next

To delete one or more publisher registrations, select the check box next to each registration ID then click Delete.

Related concepts

  • WS-Notification

    Related tasks

  • Listing or deleting active WS-Notification subscriptions
  • Listing or deleting active WS-Notification pull points
  • Listing active WS-Notification administered subscribers
  • Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services
  • Secure WS-Notification

  • WS-Notification troubleshooting tips

    Related information:

  • Publisher registrations [Collection]