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Configure JMS resources for the synchronous SOAP over JMS endpoint listener

Configure the synchronous SOAP over Java Message Service (JMS) endpoint listeners to use a JMS provider - either the default messaging provider, or another provider such as the WebSphere MQ messaging provider - to pass SOAP messages over JMS.

If we have not already done so, choose a JMS messaging provider.

If we are defining a SOAP over JMS endpoint listener, first configure the following JMS resources for the JMS provider:

Listener ports are stabilized. For more information, read the article on stabilized features. Wherever possible, you should deploy the endpoint listener application to use an activation specification. We can use only activation specifications with the default messaging provider; we can use either activation specifications or listener ports with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.

  1. Use the console to create and configure queue connection factories and queue destinations.

    For more information about how to do this for the messaging provider, see the related links.

    Create a queue connection factory and a queue destination for each endpoint listener to configure. For example, if you plan to configure both of the SOAP over JMS endpoint listeners that are supplied with WebSphere Application Server, create two connection factories (one for each endpoint listener) and two queues. The JMS resources and JNDI names that the supplied SOAP over JMS endpoint listeners expect by default are provided in the following table. If we use different resources and names in this step, then change the defaults when you subsequently configure the endpoint listener.

    and expected JNDI names. The first column of this table lists the JMS resources, the second column shows the expected default JNDI names for endpoint listener 1, the third column shows the expected default JNDI name for endpoint listener 2, the fourth column shows the expected queue name for endpoint listener 1, and the fifth column
    JMS resource default JNDI name (endpoint listener 1) default JNDI name (endpoint listener 2) queue name (endpoint listener 1) queue name (endpoint listener 2)
    JMS queue connection factory jms/SOAPJMSFactory1 jms/SOAPJMSFactory2 Not required Not required
    JMS queue destination jms/SOAPJMSQueue1 jms/SOAPJMSQueue2 User defined (for example: SOAPJMSDestQueue1) User defined (for example: SOAPJMSDestQueue2)

  2. Configure the underlying destination for each JMS queue.

    Configure these destinations as described in the documentation for the JMS provider. For the default messaging provider, use the console to add the two new queue names specified in the previous table as destinations for the application server as described in Create a queue for point-to-point messaging. The identifier for the destination should match that defined by the user as the queue name in the previous table.

  3. Configure the deployment details for the application.

    For activation specifications, use the console to create and configure the activation specifications as described in Configure an activation specification for the default messaging provider or Create an activation specification for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. Create two activation specifications, one for each endpoint listener. The default JMS resources and associated names that the synchronous SOAP over JMS endpoint listeners expect are provided in the following table. However, we can use any JNDI name for the activation specification, provided that the EAR file has the same JNDI reference in the console "Binding enterprise beans to listener port names or activation specification JNDI names" panel. If we use different resources and names in this step, change the defaults when you subsequently configure the endpoint listener. We must also stop then restart the application server.

    associated name expected. The first column of this table lists the JMS resources, the second column shows the expected default JNDI names for endpoint listener 1, the third column shows the expected default JNDI name for endpoint listener 2, the fourth column shows the expected queue name for endpoint listener 1, and the fifth column
    JMS resource default JNDI name (endpoint listener 1) default JNDI name (endpoint listener 2) destination JNDI name (endpoint listener 1) destination JNDI name (endpoint listener 2)
    activation specification eis/SOAPJMSChannel1 eis/SOAPJMSChannel2 jms/SOAPJMSQueue1 jms/SOAPJMSQueue2

    If we are using listener ports with any supported JMS provider, use the console to create and configure the listener ports in the message listener service as described in Add a new listener port. Create two listener ports (one for each endpoint listener). The default JMS resources and associated names that the supplied SOAP over JMS endpoint listeners expect are provided in the following table. If we use different resources and names in this step, then change the defaults when you subsequently configure the endpoint listener.

    second column shows the expected default JNDI names for endpoint listener 1, the third column shows the expected default JNDI name for endpoint listener 2, the fourth column shows the expected queue name for endpoint listener 1, and the fifth column shows the expected queue name for
    JMS resource default name (for use with SOAP over JMS endpoint listener 1) default name (for use with SOAP over JMS endpoint listener 2)
    listener port SOAPJMSPort1 SOAPJMSPort2
    connection factory jms/SOAPJMSFactory1 jms/SOAPJMSFactory2
    destination jms/SOAPJMSQueue1 jms/SOAPJMSQueue2

  4. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  5. Bind the JMS resources by stopping then restarting the application server.

What to do next

We are now ready to create a new SOAP over JMS endpoint listener configuration.

Related concepts

  • Endpoint listeners and inbound ports: Entry points to the service integration bus

    Related tasks

  • Configure a unified connection factory for the default messaging provider
  • Configure a queue for the default messaging provider
  • Configure an activation specification for the default messaging provider
  • Create a connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
  • Configure a queue for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
  • Create an activation specification for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
  • Configure a JMS connection factory for a third-party non-JCA messaging provider
  • Configure a JMS destination for a third-party non-JCA messaging provider

  • Example values for endpoint listener configuration

    Related information:

  • Modify an existing endpoint listener configuration
  • Delete endpoint listener configurations