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Configure an activation specification for the default messaging provider

Configure a JMS activation specification to enable a message-driven bean to communicate with the default messaging provider.

We create a JMS activation specification to use a message-driven bean to communicate with the default messaging provider through Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.5. JCA provides Java connectivity between application servers such as WebSphere Application Server, and enterprise information systems. It provides a standardized way of integrating JMS providers with Java EE application servers, and provides a framework for exchanging data with enterprise systems, where data is transferred in the form of messages.

One or more message-driven beans can share a single JMS activation specification.

Because a JMS activation specification is a group of messaging configuration properties not a component, it cannot be manually started and stopped. For this reason, to prevent a message-driven bean from processing messages you must complete the following tasks:

All the activation specification configuration properties apart from Name, JNDI name, Destination JNDI name, and Authentication alias are overridden by appropriately named activation-configuration properties in the deployment descriptor of an associated EJB 2.1 or later message-driven bean. For an EJB 2.0 message-driven bean, the Destination type, Subscription durability, Acknowledge mode and Message selector properties are overridden by the corresponding elements in the deployment descriptor. For either type of bean the Destination JNDI name property can be overridden by a value specified in the message-driven bean bindings.

  1. Start the console.

  2. Display the default messaging provider. In the navigation pane, expand Resources -> JMS -> JMS providers.

  3. Select the default provider for which to configure an activation specification.

  4. Optional: Change the Scope check box to the scope level at which the activation specification is to be visible to applications, according to the needs.

  5. In the content pane, under the Additional properties heading, click Activation specifications. This lists any existing JMS activation specifications for the default messaging provider in the content pane.

  6. Display the properties of the JMS activation specification. To display an existing activation specification, click one of the names listed.

    Alternatively, to create a new activation specification, click New, then specify the following required properties:


    Type the name by which the activation specification is known for administrative purposes.

    JNDI name

    Type the JNDI name used to bind the activation specification into the JNDI namespace.

    Destination type

    Whether the message-driven bean uses a queue or topic destination.

    Destination JNDI name

    Type the JNDI name that the message-driven bean uses to look up the JMS destination in the JNDI namespace.

    Select the type of destination on the Destination type property.

    Bus name

    The name of the bus to connect to.

    Specify the name of the service integration bus to which connections are made. This must be the name of the bus on which the bus destination identified by the Destination JNDI name property is defined.

    We can either select an existing bus or type the name of another bus. If we type the name of a bus that does not exist, create and configure that bus before the activation specification can be used.

  7. Specify properties for the JMS activation specification, according to the needs.

  8. Optional: Specify the JMS activation specification connection properties that influence how the default messaging provider chooses the messaging engine to which the message-driven bean application connects. By default, the environment automatically connects applications to an available messaging engine on the bus. However we can specify extra configuration details to influence the connection process; for example to identify special bootstrap servers, or to limit connection to a subgroup of available messaging engines, or to improve availability or performance, or to ensure sequential processing of messages received. For information about why and how to do this, see How JMS applications connect to a messaging engine on a bus.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Save the changes to the master configuration.

Related concepts

  • Why and when to pass the JMS message payload by reference
  • Pass message payload by reference: Potential benefits for each processing step
  • Pass message payload by reference: Usage scenarios and example code for forwarding applications
  • Pass message payload by reference: Example code for producer and consumer applications
  • J2C activation specification configuration and use
  • JCA activation specifications and service integration
  • How JMS applications connect to a messaging engine on a bus

    Related tasks

  • Configure a connection to a non-default bootstrap server

  • createSIBJMSActivationSpec command
  • deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec command
  • listSIBJMSActivationSpecs command
  • modifySIBJMSActivationSpec command
  • showSIBJMSActivationSpec command

    Related information:

  • JMS activation specification [Settings]

    (zos) Administrative properties for JMS connections to a bus