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Configuring a bootstrap member policy for a bus

By configuring a bootstrap member policy for a selected service integration bus, you control which servers and clusters respond to bootstrap requests from client applications.

Mixed-version environment: If the bus is in a mixed-version cell, the deployment manager must be at a Version 7.0 or later level.

A bus can use bootstrap members to service connection requests from client applications. In this task, you define a bootstrap member policy for a selected bus that defines which servers and clusters can bootstrap into the bus. The default bootstrap member policy is all cell members that have the Service Integration Bus Service enabled. We can restrict bootstrap membership to bus members only, or to bus members, and nominated bootstrap members. These are servers and clusters that are not bus members, but have been nominated as bootstrap members.

  1. Log onto the console.

  2. Click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name. The configuration panel for the selected bus is displayed.

  3. Choose one of the following bootstrap members policies for the bus:

    All members of the cell with the Service Integration Bus Service enabled

    This is the default option. All the servers and clusters in the cell that have the Service Integration Bus Service enabled are bootstrap members.

    Bus members and nominated bootstrap members

    Bootstrap membership is restricted to servers and clusters that are bus members, or have been nominated as bootstrap members.

    Bus members only

    Bootstrap membership is restricted to servers and clusters that are bus members.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Save the changes to the master configuration.


Requests from client applications to connect to the bus are serviced by the servers and clusters in the cell that meet the criteria set by the bootstrap member policy we have configured for the bus.

What to do next

Use the console to list, nominate or delete bootstrap members for the selected bus.

Related concepts

  • Bootstrap members

  • modifySIBusMemberPolicy command

    Related information:

  • Listing the bootstrap members for a bus
  • Nominating bootstrap members for a bus
  • Delete nominated bootstrap members from a bus