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Nominating bootstrap members for a bus

We can nominate one or more servers and clusters on cell nodes as bootstrap members for a selected bus. When the Bus members and nominated bootstrap members policy is configured for the bus, the nominated bootstrap members can service requests from client applications to connect to the bus.

Mixed-version environment: We must ensure that the following requirements are met:


In this task, you use an console wizard to configure the Bus members and nominated bootstrap members policy, and nominate bootstrap members for a selected bus.

  1. Log onto the console.

  2. Click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Bootstrap members. The Bootstrap members panel displays all the bus members, servers and clusters in the cell that have the Service Integration Bus Service enabled.

  3. Select the policy Bus members and nominated bootstrap members.

  4. Click Apply. A list of current bus members, and nominated bootstrap members is displayed.

  5. Click New. The Nominate a bootstrap server wizard is started.

  6. Type the name of the server or cluster to add in the Name field. The first match in the list of available servers and clusters is highlighted. Click Add to add the named server or cluster to the list of servers and clusters to add.

  7. When we have listed all the servers and clusters to add, click Next.

  8. Review the summary of the servers and clusters that we have chosen to add.

  9. Optional: To change the selections:

    1. Click Previous to return to the first step of the wizard.

    2. Make the changes you require, and click Next.

  10. Click Finish to add the new bootstrap members to the local configuration.

  11. Save the changes to the master configuration.
    An updated list of bus members and nominated bootstrap members is displayed.


The nominated servers and clusters can service requests from client applications to bootstrap into the bus.

Related concepts

  • Bootstrap members

  • addSIBBootstrapMember command

    Related information:

  • Configure a bootstrap member policy for a bus
  • Listing the bootstrap members for a bus
  • Delete nominated bootstrap members from a bus