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Configure exception destination processing for a bus destination

We can configure the exception destination processing for a queue destination or topic space destination. We can configure whether any undeliverable messages are rerouted to an exception destination, and whether to use a system default exception destination or configure a specific exception destination.

To configure a specific exception destination for a queue destination or topic space destination, the exception destination must exist. An exception destination must be a queue destination. See Create a queue for point-to-point messaging.

An exception destination for a queue destination or topic space destination is the destination for a message when a message cannot be delivered because the number of delivery attempts to a transactional consumer is exceeded.

We can configure an exception destination for a bus destination as one of the following:

To configure the exception destination processing for a bus destination, use the console to complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation pane of the console, click Service integration -> Buses to display a list of buses.

  2. Select the bus with the destination for which to configure an exception destination.

  3. In the Configuration tab, under Destination resources, click Destinations to display a list of destinations for this bus.

  4. Select the name of the bus destination you require from the list. The details of that destination are displayed.

  5. In the Configuration tab, under General properties, in the Exception destination section, use the radio buttons to configure the exception destination processing that this bus destination uses:

    • Select None to specify that the bus destination does not use an exception destination.

    • Select System to use the default exception destination.

    • Select Specify and enter an exception destination to configure the exception destination you require.

  6. Optional: If we selected None, we can set the time interval to apply between retry attempts, after the maximum failed deliveries limit is reached, for this destination. Select Override messaging engine blocked retry timeout default, then enter the value you require in Blocked retry timeout in milliseconds. Otherwise, the value set for the Default blocked destination retry interval of the associated messaging engine is used.

  7. Optional: To change the number of delivery attempts for a message, enter a value in Maximum failed deliveries per message. When the exception destination is configured as None, this is the number of delivery attempts before a time interval between retry attempts is applied. When the exception destination is configured as System or Specify, this is the number of delivery attempts for a message that is backed out and tried again before the message is sent to the exception destination.

  8. Optional: Select Keep count of failed deliveries per message to persist the failed delivery counts of JMS messages in the message store. This option retains the count of failed deliveries even after the system is restarted.

    New feature:

    The Keep count of failed deliveries per message option persists the failed delivery counts of the messages in the message store.newfeat

  9. Save the changes to the master configuration.


You have configured the exception destination processing for a bus destination.

What to do next

We can also configure exception destination processing for a service integration bus link or WebSphere MQ link.

Related concepts

  • Bus destinations
  • Exception destinations

    Related tasks

  • Create a bus destination
  • Create a queue for point-to-point messaging
  • Create a topic space for publish/subscribe messaging
  • Create an alias destination on a bus
  • Configure alias destination properties
  • Create a foreign destination on a bus
  • Configure exception destination processing for a link to a foreign bus

    Related information:

  • Destinations [Collection]