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Back up a data store

Back up a data store enables you to restore the data store from the backup if a failure occurs that cannot be dealt with by the system.

To back up the tables that comprise a data store, refer to the documentation for the chosen database.

If the relational database management system (RDBMS) is DB2 , and it is being used as the persistent data store, the backup process can use the suspended I/O feature of DB2. With other databases that do not possess this capability, the backup might present a longer interruption to service, or require that the messaging engine is stopped while the backup is made. If we attempt to back up the data store for a messaging engine that is still running, you might lose or corrupt important data.

  1. Unless the backup process uses the suspended I/O feature of DB2 stop the messaging engine.

  2. Back up the data store in accordance with the documentation for your chosen database. Include the tables described in Data store tables.

Related concepts

  • Service integration backup
  • Data stores

    Related tasks

  • Restore a data store
  • Restore a data store and recovering its messaging engine

  • Data store tables