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Data store tables

A data store uses a relational database management system (RDBMS), working through JDBC, to store data as rows in a set of tables. This data is important when we are backing up or restoring a data store.

The following table summarizes the purpose of each data store table.

shows the name of the table. The second column describes the purpose
Table name Purpose
SIBOWNER Ensures exclusive access to the data store by an active messaging engine.
SIBOWNERO Used for locking the data store. This table stores no data in its one EMPTY_COLUMN column.
SIBCLASSMAP Catalogs the different object types in the data store.
SIBLISTING Catalogs the SIBnnn tables.
SIBXACTS Maintains the status of active two-phase commit transactions.
SIBKEYS Assigns unique identifiers to objects in the messaging engine.
SIBnnn, where nnn is a number Contains persistent objects such as messages and subscription information. These tables hold both persistent and nonpersistent objects, using separate tables for the different types of data.

The SIBOWNERO table was introduced for WAS v7 and must be created when we are migrating to WAS v7 or later from an earlier version of WAS. See Migrate a messaging engine based on a data store for things to consider when we are migrating a messaging engine based on a data store.

Related concepts

  • Data stores
  • Data store exclusive access

    Related tasks

  • Back up a data store
  • Restore a data store
  • Create data store tables
  • Migrate a messaging engine based on a data store
  • Generating the DDL statements needed to create or alter data store tables

  • Altered database tables