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Add a WebSphere MQ link sender channel

The WebSphere MQ link sender channel sends messages to the WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group (known as the "gateway queue manager"). The sender channel communicates with a WebSphere MQ receiver channel on the gateway queue manager, and converts service integration bus messages to MQ format messages. Use this task to add a sender channel if we have not already defined one, or to fine tune the properties of an existing sender channel.

To be able to complete this task, you must know the name of the bus, and the messaging engine on the bus containing the WebSphere MQ link with the sender channel that you intend to add or modify.

This task allows us to define a WebSphere MQ sender channel if we have not already done so when using the foreign bus connection wizard to create a foreign bus and link it to the WebSphere MQ network through a WebSphere MQ link. If we did not choose the Enable WebSphere MQ to Service integration bus message flow option when using the foreign bus connection wizard, we have not yet defined the sender channel.

If we did choose the Enable WebSphere MQ to Service integration bus message flow option in the wizard, you will already have defined the sender channel name, host name, communication port and transport chain. However, the wizard will have set the other properties of the sender channel to default values, in which case we might need to fine tune these properties using this task.

  1. Start the console.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional properties] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Sender channel.

  3. In the content pane, either click New to add a new sender channel, or click the name of a existing sender channel to modify.

  4. Add or modify the properties of the channel.

    For information about all the properties we can modify, see WebSphere MQ link sender channel [Settings].

    If we used the foreign bus connection wizard to create the channel, the wizard has used default values for the following properties:

    Disconnect interval

    The time in seconds for which the sender channel waits for new messages to arrive on the transmission queue after sending a batch of messages. The channel disconnects after this interval, and must be restarted manually or by triggering. By default, the value is 900 seconds.

    Short retry count

    The maximum number of times that the sender channel tries to restart after a communication or partner failure. If the connection name list is provided, during each retry the connections are tried in the order in which they are specified in the connection list until a connection is successfully established. If the count of remaining retries reaches zero, and the channel has not restarted, then the long retry mechanism is invoked. By default, the value is 10.

    Short retry interval

    The number of seconds between attempts by the sender channel to restart after a communication or partner failure. By default, the value is 60 seconds.

    Long retry count

    The maximum number of times that the sender channel tries to restart after the short retry mechanism did not recover from a communication or partner failure. If the connection name list is provided, during each retry the connections are tried in the order in which they are specified in the connection list until a connection is successfully established. If the count of remaining retries reaches zero, and the channel has not restarted, then an error is logged and the channel is stopped. By default, the value is 999999999.

    Long retry interval

    The number of seconds between attempts by the sender channel to restart after the short retry mechanism did not recover from a communication or partner failure. By default, the value is 1200 seconds.

    Initial state

    Whether the sender channel is started or stopped when the associated WebSphere MQ link is first started. Until started, the channel is unavailable. By default, the value is "Started".

  5. Click OK.

  6. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  7. Restart the application server.

Related information:

  • WebSphere MQ link sender channel [Collection]
  • WebSphere MQ link sender channel [Settings]