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Add a publish/subscribe broker on the WebSphere MQ link

A publish/subscribe broker profile, and associated topic mappings, allows publication and subscription with a broker in a WebSphere MQ network. Use the console to define a broker profile on a WebSphere MQ link, forming a publish/subscribe bridge with a WebSphere MQ network.

You have to know the name of the bus, messaging engine name, and the name of the WebSphere MQ link on which you intend to create or modify the broker profile. You also have to know the queue manager name for the message broker in the WebSphere MQ network where the input queues for the required publication message flows are located.

When you use the foreign bus connection wizard to connect a bus and a WebSphere MQ queue manager to use publish/subscribe messaging, we can define a publish/subscribe broker profile and associated topic mappings. Alternatively, we can use the foreign bus connection wizard to connect a bus and a WebSphere MQ queue manager to use point-to-point messaging, then later modify the WebSphere MQ link for publish/subscribe messaging by adding a publish/subscribe broker profile and associated topic mappings to the link.

After we have created the broker profile you must ensure that the service integration bus has sufficient authority on the message broker instance to send subscription requests.

  1. In the navigation pane, click one of the following paths:

    • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Foreign bus connections -> foreign_bus_name -> [Related Items] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish/subscribe broker profiles

    • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional properties] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish/subscribe broker profiles

  2. In the content pane, either click New to add a new broker profile, or click the name of a existing broker profile to modify.

  3. Add or modify the properties of the broker profile.

    For information about the broker profile properties (name, description, broker queue manager name), see Publish/subscribe broker profiles [Settings].

    For an existing broker profile we can only modify the description. Note that, for an existing broker profile created using the foreign bus connection wizard, the broker profile name was generated automatically by adding "_broker_profile" to the end of the broker queue manager name.

  4. Optional: Under Additional properties, configure the topic mappings for this broker profile. For more information, see Add topic mappings on the WebSphere MQ link publish/subscribe broker.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Save the changes to the master configuration.

What to do next

After we have created the broker profile you must ensure that the service integration bus has sufficient authority on the message broker instance to send subscription requests. We can do this either by modifying the message broker configuration on the WebSphere MQ network, or by modifying the service integration bus configuration. See Define permissions for a WebSphere MQ link publish/subscribe broker to work with WebSphere MQ.


Related information:

  • Publish/subscribe broker profiles [Collection]
  • Publish/subscribe broker profiles [Settings]