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Secure the job scheduler using roles

We can secure the job scheduler by mapping users and groups to specific security roles.

Users who are assigned the lradmin role have the authority to perform all job scheduler application actions on all jobs regardless of job ownership, while users who are assigned with the lrsubmitter role can only act on jobs that are owned by the submitters themselves.

Users in the lrmonitor role can view and download all job logs, but cannot submit or operate on jobs.

To start lrcmd.sh | .bat on an HTTPS port, configure SSL on the scheduler server. Following the steps in part three of the series, location in the following DeveloperWorks topic, Build Web services with transport-level security using Rational Application Developer V7, Part 3: Configure HTTPS. To access topics, you must be a registered user for DeveloperWorks. If we have not registered as a user for DeveloperWorks, follow the instructions on the IBM registration page.

(zos) If we use System Authorization Facility (SAF) EJBROLE profiles on the z/OS operating system, define EJBROLE profiles for lradmin and lrsubmitter roles. Permit these roles to the appropriate SAF user IDs. Do not control permissions through the administration console as described in the following procedure.

This sample task assumes that the job scheduler is configured. We can use the console to specific security roles.

  1. Click Security > Global security.

  2. Select administrative security and application security.

  3. Configure the user account repository by specifying one of the available realm definitions.

  4. After we have configured WebSphere Application Server Security, click Apply to save the configuration.

  5. Expand System administration > Job scheduler > Security role to user/group mapping.

  6. Select the roles to be configured.

  7. Click Look up users if one or more users are to be assigned the target role, or click Look up groups if role assignment is at the group level.

  8. Select the user or group to be assigned to the target role.

  9. Click OK and save the configuration.

  10. Restart the cell.

What to do next

With security enabled, provide a valid user ID and password for job actions that are performed through the command-line interface. Submit a job action through the command-line interface with the user name and password information. See the following example:
-cmd=<name_of_command> <command_arguments> [-host=<host> -port=port]  -userid=<user_ID> -password=<password>


See the following example:

D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\lrcmd -cmd=submit
 -port=9445 -host=wasxd01.ibm.com -userid=mylradmin -password=w2g0u1tf


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  • Command-line interface for batch jobs

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  • Running batch jobs under user credentials