Install the application on the application server.
Prepare for deployment by ensuring that the appropriate database objects are available.
Step Parent
Task overview: Accessing data from applications
See the topic Installing enterprise application files.
- Administer data access applications
These administrative tasks consist primarily of configuring the objects, or resources, through which applications connect with a backend, and tuning those resources to handle the volume of connection requests.
- Install enterprise application files
As part of deploying an application, you install application files on a server configured to hold installable modules.
- Administer data access applications
These administrative tasks consist primarily of configuring the objects, or resources, through which applications connect with a backend, and tuning those resources to handle the volume of connection requests.
- Install enterprise application files
As part of deploying an application, you install application files on a server configured to hold installable modules.
Related tasks
Administer data access applications Install enterprise application files