Prepare for deployment by ensuring that the appropriate database objects are available.
Assemble data access applications using the assembly tool.
Task overview: Accessing data from applications
Create or configure any databases or tables required, set necessary configuration parameters to handle expected load, and configure any necessary JDBC providers and data source objects for servlets, enterprise beans, and client applications to use. See the topic Deploying data access applications for more information.
- Deploy data access applications
Deploying a data access application includes more than installing the WAR or EAR file onto a server. Deployment can include tasks for configuring the application to use the data access resources of the server and overall runtime environment.
- Install a resource adapter archive
The application server uses the classes and other code that comprise a resource adapter archive (RAR) to support the resource adapters configured.
- Deploy SQLJ applications
Use Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) to develop data access applications that connect to DB2 databases. SQLJ is a set of programming extensions that enable you to use the Java programming language to embed statements that provide SQL (Structured Query Language) database requests.
What to do next
Install the application on the application server.
- Deploy data access applications
Deploying a data access application includes more than installing the WAR or EAR file onto a server. Deployment can include tasks for configuring the application to use the data access resources of the server and overall runtime environment.
- Install a resource adapter archive
The application server uses the classes and other code that comprise a resource adapter archive (RAR) to support the resource adapters configured.
- Deploy SQLJ applications
Use Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) to develop data access applications that connect to DB2 databases. SQLJ is a set of programming extensions that enable you to use the Java programming language to embed statements that provide SQL (Structured Query Language) database requests.
Related tasks
Deploy data access applications Install a resource adapter archive Deploy SQLJ applications