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Deploy data access applications

Deploy a data access application includes more than installing the WAR or EAR file onto a server. Deployment can include tasks for configuring the application to use the data access resources of the server and overall runtime environment.

We can deploy only application code that is assembled into the appropriate modules. See the topic, Assemble data access applications for guidelines, for this process.

Perform the following steps if the application requires access to a relational database (RDB). When the application requires access to a different type of enterprise information system (EIS), such as an object-oriented database or the Customer Information Control System (CICS ), consult the topics, Relational resource adapters and JCA, and Accessing data using Java EE Connector Architecture connectors.

  1. If the RDB configuration does not exist, do the following steps:

    1. Create a database to hold the data.

    2. Create tables required by the application.

      If the application uses container managed persistence (CMP) entity beans to access the data

      We can create the tables using the DDL generated from the enterprise bean configuration. For more information, see the topic, Recreating database tables from the exported table data definition language.

      If the application uses bean managed persistence (BMP) entity beans, or does not use entity beans

      We must use the database server interfaces to create the tables.

      The EJB to RDB Mapping wizard of an assembly tool is also used to create your database tables for either type of entity bean. Select the top-down mapping option in the wizard. However, this option does not give you direct control in naming the RDB elements or choosing column types. Additionally, because the top-down process is automatic, it might not provide mappings to reflect the precise relationships that you intend.

      If we use Rational Application Developer, consult the information center about the mapping wizard. To learn about all of the assembly tool options, see the assembly tools topic in this information center.

    3. Check the data source minimum required settings by vendor to see any database vendor requirements for connecting to an application server. See the topic, Data source minimum required settings, by vendor, for instructions.

  2. Optional: Map the entity beans to the database tables through the meet-in-the-middle mapping option of an assembly tool. Complete this step only if you did not create your database schema through the top-down mapping option, did not generate your mapping relationships through bottom-up mapping, or did not generate mappings during the application assembly process. For information about the top-down mapping option see the information center for Rational Application Developer.

  3. Install the application onto the application server. See the topic, Installing enterprise application files. When you install the application, we can alter data access settings that were made during application assembly, or, if they were omitted from the assembly process, set them for the first time. These settings include resource bindings and resource authentication aliases, which are addressed in the following substeps:

    1. Bind application resource references to the data sources, or other resource objects, that provide database connectivity. For details on the concept of binding, see the topic, Data source lookups for enterprise beans and web modules.

      After deployment, we can use the WAS console to alter resource bindings. Click Applications > Application Types > Webphere enterprise applications > application_name, and select the link to the appropriate mapping page. For example, to alter the binding of an EJB module resource, you might click Map data sources for all 2.x CMP beans. For a web module resource, click Resource references.

    2. Define authentication alias data for resources that must be authenticated with the backend through container-managed authorization. In this security configuration, WebSphere Application Server performs EIS signon for data source or connection factory connections. Consult the topic, J2EE connector security for detailed reference on resource authentication.

  4. Start the deployed application files using the console, the wsadmin scripting tool startApplication command, or our own Java program.

  5. Save the changes to the administrative configuration.

  6. Test the application. For example, point a web browser at the URL for a deployed application and examine the performance of the application.


When you deploy an application that uses a DB2 UDB for IBM i back-end database, you might find the following exception in the SystemOut.log file:

This type of error indicates that you deployed an application with container-managed persistence (CMP) enterprise beans that were originally configured to access a DB2 database on Windows, Linux, or a supported UNIX system. Using the console, uninstall the affected CMP applications, then reinstall the applications with the new database setting. Remember to select Deploy enterprise beans; on the EJB deploy panel, select the appropriate version of the DB2 UDB for IBM i database.

This topic references one or more of the application server log files. As a recommended alternative, we can configure the server to use the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure instead of using SystemOut.log , SystemErr.log, trace.log, and activity.log files on distributed and IBM i systems. We can also use HPEL in conjunction with the native z/OS logging facilities. If we are using HPEL, we can access all of the log and trace information using the LogViewer command-line tool from the server profile bin directory. See the information about using HPEL to troubleshoot applications for more information on using HPEL.

What to do next

If the application does not perform as wanted, update the application, then save and test it again.


Related concepts

  • Data sources
  • Data source lookups for enterprise beans and web modules
  • Relational resource adapters and JCA
  • Resource reference benefits
  • Java EE connector security

    Related tasks

  • Use High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications
  • Create or changing a resource reference
  • Install enterprise application files
  • Assembling applications
  • Administer data access applications
  • Assembling data access applications
  • Access data using Java EE Connector Architecture connectors
  • Recreating database tables from the exported table data definition language

  • Data source minimum required settings, by vendor
  • Resource references

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