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chgwassvr command

The chgwassvr command allows us to change the ports for an application server within a profile.

For usage instructions and examples, see the Change application server properties topic. To run this script, the user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.

Use the chgwassvr command from within a Network Deployment profile to modify port values for the servers managed by the deployment manager for the cell. Use the -profileName parameter to specify the affected dmgr profile. When you modify a port of a managed server, use the -node parameter to specify the node name of the managed node containing the server to modify. The configuration documents for the servers are updated when the next synchronization between the deployment manager and the nodes occurs. We can also synchronize the configuration with the syncNode command. For more information, see syncNode command topic. You run the syncNode command from the WAS (base) for the node.

We can also use the console to create and manage application servers. See the Administer application servers topic for more information.


The command syntax is as follows:

chgwassvr -server servername   [instance instancename] [-profileName instancename]
 [-node nodename] [-portblock portnumber]   [-transport -oldport oldvalue -newport newvalue]
 [-endpoint endpointname -port newvalue]   [-inthttp inthttpport]   [-inthttpssl inthttpsslport] [-admin adminport]   [-adminssl adminsslport] [-soap soapport]   [-nameservice nameserviceport]   [-celldiscovery celldiscoveryport]   [-sas sasserverport] [-csiv2server csiv2serverauthport]   [-csiv2client csiv2clientauthport] [-nodediscovery nodediscport]   [-nodemulti nodemultdiscport] [-verbose] [-help | -?]


The following options are available for the chgwassvr command:


This is a required parameter. The value servername specifies the name of the server to change. For the default WebSphere Application Server profile, the default server name is server1. For the default Network Deployment profile, the default server name is dmgr. The value for this parameter is case-sensitive and must match the server name exactly. We can use the dspwasinst command to view the servers associated with a profile. For more information, see the dspwasinst command topic.


This is an optional parameter. The value profile specifies the name of the profile containing the application server to change. The default value is default.


This is an optional parameter. The value nodename specifies the node that hosts the application server to change. The default value is the Network Deployment managing profile.


This is an optional parameter. The value portblock specifies the first number of a block of port numbers that the profile uses. If we specify this parameter, the script changes all of the port numbers for the application server. If not specified, the port numbers for the application server are not changed, unless specified a port parameter to change (see the following port parameters). We can use the Work with TCP/IP Network Status (NETSTAT *CNN) command to display a list of port numbers that are currently being used.

  • A WebSphere Application Server profile uses several ports for various functions. When you change an application server's properties, ports are assigned based on the following ordered conditions:

    Specific port parameters

    If we specify values for specific port parameters, the script uses those values. Specific port parameters are -inthttp (Base application server), -admin, -jmsqueued (Base application server), -jmsdirect (Base application server), -jmssecure (Base application server), -soap, -orblistener (Network Deployment), -nameservice, -drsclient, and -celldiscovery (Network Deployment).

    The -portblock parameter

    Services for which we have not specified a port number are assigned ports sequentually starting with the value of the -portblock parameter. If a script encounters a port that is in use, it skips that port number and continues with the next unused port.

    Current values

    If -portblock is not specified, any services for which we have not specified a port parameter retain their current value.

  • For the -portblock parameter, the script checks only a master index of all profiles of WAS. The script is not able to detect port usage by other applications, including previous versions of WAS.


This is an optional parameter set. The value oldvalue specifies the port number of the web container transport to change. The value newvalue specifies the new port number to assign to the web container transport. If the web container transport is also specified in the host alias for a virtual host, the port for the host alias is also updated.

Use the -transport parameter set instead of the -admin, -adminssl, -inthttp or -inthttpssl parameters. These parameters are deprecated.


This is an optional parameter. The value endpointname specifies the name of the endpoint port to modify. The value newvalue specifies port number to which to set the endpoint's port.


This is an optional parameter. The value inthttpport specifies the port number on which the web container listens for requests from the web server. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -inthttp parameter is specified, this port is not changed. See the -portblock parameter for more information.


This is an optional parameter. The value inthttpsslport specifies the port number that the application server uses for secure communications with internal HTTP server. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -inthttpssl parameter is specified, this port is not changed. See the -portblock parameter for more information.


This is an optional parameter. The value adminport specifies the port number to use for the console. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -admin parameter is specified, this port is not changed. See the -portblock parameter for more information


This is an optional parameter. The value adminportssl specifies the port number to use for the secure communications with console. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -adminssl parameter is specified, this port is not changed. See the -portblock parameter for more information.


This is an optional parameter. The value soapport specifies the port number to use for SOAP. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -soap parameter is specified, this port is not changed. See the -portblock parameter for more information.


This is an optional parameter. The value nameserviceport specifies the port number to use for name service (or RMI connector) port. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -nameservice parameter is specified, this port is not changed. See the -portblock parameter for more information.


This is an optional parameter. The value celldiscoveryport specifies the port on which the Network Deployment profile listens for a node attempting to find the cell to which the node belongs. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -celldiscovery parameter is specified, this port is not changed. See the -portblock parameter for more information.


This is an optional parameter. The value sasserverport specifies the port on which the Secure Association Services (SAS) listen for inbound authentication requests. If the -sas parameter is not specified, this port is not changed. This port is specified by the SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml.


This is an optional parameter. The value csiv2serverauthport specifies the port on which the CSIv2 (CSIV2) Service listens for inbound server authentication requests. If the -csiv2server parameter is not specified, this port is not changed. This port is specified by the CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml.


This is an optional parameter. The value csiv2clientauthport specifies the port on which the CSIv2 (CSIV2) Service listens for inbound client authentication requests. If the -csiv2client parameter is not specified, this port is not changed. This port is specified by the CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml.


This is an optional parameter. The value nodediscport specifies the port on which the node of the node agent discovery service listens.


This is an optional parameter. The value nodemultidiscport specifies the port on which the node agent's multicast discovery service listens.


This optional parameter turns on verbose messages, which can be helpful if we need to debug the script.


This optional parameter displays the help message. If we specify this parameter, the script ignores all other parameters.

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  • Use command-line tools