Use the script to gather the BBSON bulletin board usage statistics, and periodically dump BBSON states. The statistics are available in the standard output and trace log files.
For problem diagnosis and debugging purposes, use the script to collect BBSON state dumps from every process in the product cell.
The script is in the app_server_root/bin directory.
For transitioning users: The WebSphere Virtual Enterprise command that equates to is If we are making the transition from WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, we can continue to use the command, which operates the same as the command.trns
Run the following command on each Intelligent Management cell:
wsadmin -f operation [nodeName serverName]
Specify the operation variable, which can be one of the following choices:
- dump: Dumps the state of the bulletin board
- getsnapshot: Obtains statistics about the current state of the bulletin board
- getStatisticsPrintInterval: Shows the current interval between printing bulletin board statistics in seconds
- setStatisticsPrintInterval: Sets the interval between printing bulletin board statistics in seconds
If we do not specify the [nodeName serverName] argument, the MBean is invoked against every process in the cell. Provide a node name and server name to narrow the invocation to the specific node and server listed.
Counter definitions
Name Description subjCreate The number of created Subjects subjForget The number of closed Subjects subscrCreate The number of created SubjectSubscriptions subscrClose The number of closed SubjectSubscriptions postCreate The number of created SubjectPosts postClose The number of closed SubjectPosts localUpdate The number of updates that are performed by local posters remoteUpdate The number of updates that are performed by remote posters localPostSizeSum The data length in bytes that is sent by the local update calls remotePostSizeSum The data length in bytes that is sent by the remote update calls localCallbackCall The number of the update callback calls localCallbackNumPostersSum The number of posters that data is passed to in the local update callbacks localCallbackPostSizeSum The size in bytes of the data payloads that are passed in the update callbacks localCallbackTimeSum The time that is spent during the local update callbacks calls localSubjPostCallback The number of callbacks that are registered through SubjectPost#registerCallback outOpenedTCP The number of outgoing TCP connections that are open outClosedTCP The number of outgoing TCP connections that are closed inOpenedTCP The number of incoming TCP connections that are open inClosedTCP The number of incoming TCP connections that are closed nothingToSend The number of times an outgoing connection is opened with nothing to send at the moment the connection is completed
Related concepts
BBSON bulletin board Create core groups
Related tasks
Create a new core group (high availability domain) script