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BBSON bulletin board

Intelligent Management offers a bulletin board service overlay network (BBSON) that is independent of the WAS Network Deployment high availability manager. The high availability manager provides a mechanism that allows servers to easily exchange state data. This mechanism is commonly referred to as the bulletin board.

BBSON, which is enabled by default, alleviates the Intelligent Management dependency on the WAS Network Deployment high availability manager. BBSON is only used by the Intelligent Management components; other components continue to use the WAS Network Deployment high availability manager. By using BBSON you avoid constructing and managing core groups and bridges required for Intelligent Management. We can use BBSON for new cells bridged to existing cells running WebSphere Virtual Enterprise Version 7.0 or later versions. For configuration information about the WAS Network Deployment high availability manager, see the topic on setting up a high availability environment.


For problem diagnosis and debugging purposes, use the manageBBSON.py script to collect BBSON state dumps from every process in the product cell. For more information, read about the manageBBSON.py script.

For transitioning users: The WebSphere Virtual Enterprise command that equates to manageBBSON.py is manageWVEBB.py. If we are making the transition from WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, we can continue to use the manageWVEBB.py command, which operates the same as the manageBBSON.py command.trns


The following restrictions apply when using BBSON:


Related concepts

  • Core groups (high availability domains)

    Related tasks

  • Set up a high availability environment
  • Create a new core group (high availability domain)

  • manageBBSON.py script