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useBBSON.py script

Intelligent Management uses the bulletin board service overlay network (BBSON) by default, which alleviates the dependency on the WAS Network Deployment (ND) high availability manager and its required core group configuration. Run useBBSON.py to disable the usage of BBSON, enabling the ND high availability manager instead. We can also use the script to enable BBSON if it was previously disabled.


Use the useBBSON.py script to disable the usage of BBSON, enabling the ND high availability manager instead. We can also use the script to enable BBSON if it was previously disabled. For restrictions and considerations, see the BBSON bulletin board.

For transitioning users: The Intelligent Management command that equates to useBBSON.py is useWVEBB.py. If we are making the transition from WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, we can continue to use the useWVEBB.py command, which operates the same as the useBBSON.py command.trns


The useBBSON.py script is located in the app_server_root/bin directory.


To enable BBSON, run the following command:

To disable BBSON, and to use the ND high availability manager instead, run the following command:

After running theuseBBSON.py script, synchronize the change, stop and start the cell again.

Related concepts

  • BBSON bulletin board