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Ruleset administrative tasks

Use the ruleset commands to add, remove, or modify rules and actions of the ruleset.xml file without using the administrative console.

Use the following commands to create ruleset lists, and add or remove rules and actions from the ruleset:


The createRuleset command creates a ruleset list.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Protocol type to associate with the ruleset. The only valid types are HTTP and SOAP. (String, required)


Setting for the default continue flag value. Specify True or False. (Boolean, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The listRuleset command lists ruleset rules and actions.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The addRuleToRuleset command adds a rule to the ruleset.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the rule. The -ruleName parameter must be unique within the ruleset. (String, required)


Specifies a positive integer value representing the priority of the rule. Zero is the highest priority. (String, required)


Rule expression. We must enclose the value in double quotes. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The removeRuleFromRuleset command removes a rule from the ruleset.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the rule to remove. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The changeRulePriority command modifies the priority of a rule.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the rule to modify. (String, required)


Specifies a positive integer value representing the priority of the rule. Zero is the highest priority. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The changeRuleExpression command modifies a rule expression.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the rule to modify. (String, required)


New rule expression. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The addActionToRule command adds an action to a rule.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the rule. The -ruleName parameter must be unique within the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the action. The -actionName parameter must be unique within the ruleset. (String, required)


Type of action to associate with the rule. (String, required)


Action value, such as the format of the log file, to use. (String, required)


Setting for the action continue flag value. Specify True or False. (Boolean, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The removeActionFromRule command removes an action from a rule.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the rule containing the action. (String, required)


Name of the action to remove. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The addDefaultAction command adds a default action to a ruleset.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the action. The -actionName parameter must be unique within the ruleset. (String, required)


Type of action to associate with the rule. (String, required)


Action value, such as the format of the log file, to use. (String, required)


Setting for the action continue flag value. Specify True or False. (Boolean, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The removeDefaultAction command removes a default action from a ruleset.

Required parameters


Name of the ruleset. (String, required)


Name of the action to remove. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR) to which the ruleset applies. The -odrname parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the node on which the ODR resides. The -nodename parameter is required only if you modify an ODR. (String, optional)


Name of the cluster to which the ruleset applies. The -clusterName parameter is required only if you modify an ODR cluster. (String, optional)

Batch mode example

Interactive mode

Related concepts

  • Rules support
  • Rule-based request classification
  • Overview of request flow prioritization

  • Intelligent Management: routing and service policies