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Rules support

Support for HTTP rules applies for both routing and service policy rules. They can be variously located and have a specific order of priority.

HTTP rules support applies for both routing and service policy rules. They can be located:

  1. Inside work classes at the application level

  2. Inside work classes at the ODR level

  3. At the ODR level. There is no default rule supported for HTTP rules located here. The rules created take precedence over any rules at the application level.

The order of priority is

  1. Custom HTTP rules at the ODR level is used to route the request.

  2. If none of those rules match, custom HTTP rules located inside work classes at the application level is used to route the request.

  3. If none of those rules match, the default HTTP rule located inside work classes at the application level is guaranteed to be used to route the request.
The default rule for HTTP service and routing policy rules, at the on demand router (ODR) level, is not supported.

Related concepts

  • Work class types

    Related tasks

  • Define service policy rules
  • Define a service policy

  • Intelligent Management: subexpression builder operands
  • Intelligent Management: routing and service policies