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Intelligent Management: routing and service policies

Two types of policies are applied to a request: routing and service. We can create routing policies for HTTP and SOAP requests, and we can create service policies for HTTP, IIOP, SOAP, JMS, and SIP requests. Additionally, work classes can contain classification rules for both policy types with the exception of JMS. Classification rules are not supported for JMS work classes.

Valid routing policies

Route policy Description

application_name is the application name to route to with an optional edition specifier.


application_name is the application name to route to with an optional edition specifier. Routing in this way allows the request to continue as normal. Note that the server must be in maintenance mode.


The permitsticky routing policy is the same as the permit routing policy, except that the on demand router (ODR) also maintains client-to-server affinity for any future requests that come from the same client. In this case, the ODR adds a SET-COOKIE header to the response before it sends the response to the client.

The permitsticky action means that the ODR actively establishes affinity between the client and server if affinity was not already established by the application. The ODR accomplishes this by adding a SET-COOKIE: WSJSESSIONID=xx:serverID; path=webModuleContextRoot to the response if:

  • The response does not already have a SET-COOKIE that will establish server affinity, and

  • The corresponding request does not indicate that server affinity had already been established.

The serverID is the server identifier, and is also referred to as the clone ID. The webModuleContextRoot is the context root of the Web module to which the request was mapped.


This routing policy is the same as the permit routing policy, except that the ODR also maintains client to server affinity for any future requests that come from the same client. In this case, the ODR adds a SET-COOKIE header to the response before it sends the response to the client. Note that the server must be in maintenance mode.


This routing policy causes the ODR to reject the request and return the specified HTTP error code. For example, reject:503 returns a 503 Service is unavailable error.


With this routing policy, the ODR redirects the request to the specified URL. The URL has the pattern of protocol://URI. An example of a valid URL is http://w3.ibm.com.

Valid service policies

The valid service policies are the list of transaction class names. The transaction class refers to a single service class.


Related tasks

  • Define a service policy
  • Set maintenance mode
  • Activating concurrent application editions
  • Validating an edition

  • Intelligent Management: subexpression builder operands

    Related information:

  • Intelligent Management: rules for ODR routing policy administrative tasks
  • Intelligent Management: rules for ODR service policy administrative tasks