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HTTP transport channel custom properties

For an HTTP transport channel, we can add any of the following custom properties to the configuration settings for that channel.

There are four Web container transport chains:

An application server or a proxy server inherits the custom property values specified for the WCInboundAdmin or WCInboundAdminSecure transport chain because one of these chains is usually the first chain to get activated when the application server is initialized. Therefore, before specifying any custom properties for a Web container transport chain, you should disable the WCInboundAdmin and WCInboundAdminSecure transport chains. gotcha

To add a custom property:

  1. In the console, click Servers > Server Types, and then select one of the following options, depending on the type of chain you are creating:

    • Application servers > > server_name. Under Web Container Settings, click Web container transport chains > chain_name > HTTP Inbound Channel > Custom Properties > New.

    • WebSphere Proxy servers > server_name. Under HTTP Proxy Server Settings, click Proxy server transports. Then, select either HTTPS_PROXY_CHAIN or HTTP_PROXY_CHAIN, and then click > HTTP Inbound Channel > Custom Properties > New.

  2. Under General Properties specify the name of the custom property in the Name field and a value for this property in the Value field. We can also specify a description of this property in the Description field.

  3. Click Apply or OK.

  4. Click Save to save the configuration changes.

  5. Restart the server.

Following are the descriptions of the HTTP transport channel custom properties provided with the product. These properties are not shown on the settings page for an HTTP transport channel. We can use the custom properties page to define the following properties:


Use the accessLogFormat property to specify the information we want included in the NCSA access log for an HTTP transport channel, and how we want that information formatted. The value for this property is a space separated list of options. The order specified the options determines the format of this information in the log.

Each option can be enclosed in quotation marks, but the quotation marks are not required. Unless otherwise noted, a value of - is printed for an option if the requested information cannot be obtained for that option.

The Following list indicates the available options and the information that is printed if that option is specified as part of the value specified for this property.


Remote IP address


Local IP address


Response size in bytes excluding headers


Response size in bytes excluding headers

0 is printed instead of - if no value is found.

%{CookieName}C or %C

The request cookie specified within the brackets, or if the brackets are not included, prints all of the request cookies.


The elapsed time of the request - millisecond accuracy, microsecond precision


Remote host

%i or %{HeaderName}i

HeaderName header value from the request


Request method

%o or %{HeaderName}o

HeaderName header value from the response


Output the query string with any password escaped


First line of the request


Status code of the response


NCSA format of the start time of the request


The current time when the message to the access log is queued to be logged in normal NCSA format


Remote user according to the WAS specific $WSRU header


URL Path, not including the query string

For example, you might specify the following directives as the value for this property:

Based on this setting, the NCSA access log will include the following information for each request in the specified order:

Avoid trouble: If we use this custom property, ensure that the Use chain-specific logging option is selected as part of the configuration settings for NCSA access logging. By default, the Use global logging service option is selected for NCSA access logging.gotcha


Use the CookiesConfigureNoCache property to specify whether the presence of a Set-Cookie header in an HTTP response message triggers the addition of several cache related headers. If true, an Expires header with a very old date, and a Cache-Control header that explicitly tells the client not to cache the Set-Cookie header are automatically added. These headers are not automatically added if this property is set to false.

This property is functionality equivalent to the com.ibm.websphere.cookies.no.header property that was available in previous versions of the product.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default True


Use the EnableBuildBackupList property to enable the HTTP channel to scan for the history files in the access and error logs directory, and rolling these files over with any newer log files created.

When true, the HTTP Channel scans for the history files in the access and error logs directory, and rolls these files over with any newer log files created.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False


Use the HonorTransferEncoding property to indicate whether the HTTP transport channels should convert a chunked message to a content-length delimited message when there is only one chunk.

When true, the HTTP transport channels write out the chunks instead of switching to a content-length message even if the message only consists of one chunk. There is a performance impact to this setting because the HTTP transport channels does two writes for every single-chunk message: the first write is for the message, and the second write is for the zero byte chunk that marks the end of the message

When false, the HTTP transport channels convert a chunked message to a content-length delimited message when there is only one chunk. This setting improves channel performance because the channel only does one write for a single-chunk message that is converted to a content-length message.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False


Use the limitFieldSize property to enforce the size limits on various HTTP fields, such as request URLs, or individual header names or values. Enforcing the size limits of these fields guards against possible Denial of Service attacks. An error is returned to the remote client if a field exceeds the allowed size.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 32768
Range 50-32768


Use the limitNumHeaders property to limit the number of HTTP headers that can be present in an incoming message. If this limit is exceeded, an error is returned to the client.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 500
Range 50 to 4000


Use the localLogFilenamePrefix property to specify a prefix for the filename of the network log file. Normally, when inprocess optimization is enabled, requests through the inprocess path are logged based on the logging attributes set up for the web container's network channel chain. We can use this property to add a prefix to the filename of the network log file. This new filename is then used as the filename for the log file for inprocess requests. Requests sent through the inprocess path are logged to this file instead of to the network log file. For example, if the log file for a network transport chain is named .../httpaccess.log, and this property is set to local for the HTTP channel in that chain, the filename of the log file for inprocess requests to the host associated with that chain is /localhttpaccess.log.

Avoid trouble: If we specify a value for the localLogFilenamePrefix custom property, you must also set the accessLogFileName HTTP channel custom property to the fully qualified name of the log file to use for in process requests. We cannot specify a variable, such as $(SERVER_LOG_ROOT), as the value for this custom property.gotcha

Information Value
Data type String


Use this custom property to disable NCSA, FRCA, and error logging on the specified chain.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False


Use the RemoveServerHeader property to force the removal of any server header from HTTP responses that the application server sends, thereby hiding the identity of the server program.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False


Use the ServerHeaderValue property to replace the default value of the Server header added to all outgoing HTTP responses by server if a Server header does not already exist. The default value for the Server header is WebSphere Application Server v/x.x, where x.x is the version of WAS running on the system.

(V8502) Prior to v8.5.0.2, if a Server header does not already exist, either the default Server header, or the header specified as the value of this property, is added to all outgoing HTTP responses by server.

(V8502) Start with v8.5.0.2, a Server header is no longer automatically added to all outgoing HTTP responses if a Server header does not already exist. If we add this property with a value, that value is included in the Server header that appears in the response. If we specify the value DefaultServerValue, WebSphere Application Server v/x.x is used as the Server header value.


Use the SustainedHighVolumeLogging property to allow the logging code to attempt to catch up with the backlog of entries. This property is set in the Admin console Application Servers > Server Name > Web Container Transport Chains > Chain Name > HTTP Channel Name > Custom Properties.


Use the v0CookieDateRFC1123compat property to indicate that the value for the V0 Set-Cookie header Expires attribute is specified in the four digit year format instead of the two digit year format.

By default, the value for the V0 Set-Cookie header Expires attribute is specified in the two digit year format. Set the v0CookieDateRFC1123compat property to true if use the older RFC1123, which requires a four digit year format value for the V0 Set-Cookie Expires attribute.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False


  • HTTP transport custom properties for web services applications