WSGrid properties file examples
Use the WSGRid properties file examples in the job submissions.
- Example: Jobs from repository properties file
WSGrid can submit jobs stored in the job repository. We can use a repository properties file to specify the saved job definition and its substitution properties.
- Example: Compute-intensive properties file
The example file illustrates the properties necessary to define the single step of the SimpleCI compute intensive job.
- Example: Transactional batch properties file
The example file WSGrid.batch.job illustrates the properties necessary to define the first step of the PostingsSample batch job.
- Example: Restart job properties file
Use the WSGrid utility to restart jobs that are in the restartable state using the job ID of the restartable job of the properties file.
- Example: xJCL file
Use the WSGrid invocation to submit a job for a pre-existing xJCL file.
- Example: Control file
A control file can contain the following properties.
Related concepts
WSGrid command-line utility
Batch job properties