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Example: Control file

A control file can contain the following properties.

# host of my job scheduler  scheduler-host=zwasc013.lab.ibm.com
# http port of my job scheduler server  scheduler-port=9182
# user id of job submitter  submitter-userid=jobman
# job submitter password submitter-password=pass2wrd
 # enable debug  debug=true
# increase timeout to 8 seconds per message timeout=8000

Example control file with encoded password

The password in the control file can be encoded for security purposes using the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility. For file WSGrid.cntl, which contains the control properties from the previous example, the encoding utility is invoked as:

After the PropFilePasswordEncoder is run against WSGrid.cntl file, the value of the submitter-password is encoded in the WSGrid.cntl file. For example:

Related concepts

  • WSGrid command-line utility

  • Batch job properties
  • WSGrid properties file examples