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Example: Jobs from repository properties file

WSGrid can submit jobs stored in the job repository. We can use a repository properties file to specify the saved job definition and its substitution properties.

If the PostingsSample job is stored in the repository under the name PostingsSample, we can use the following properties file, named WSGrid.repo-postings.job, to specify the saved job definition and its substitution properties:

# This specifies which job from the repository to submit.   repository-job=PostingsSample      # The following substitution property values will be passed to the job.   substitution-prop.wsbatch.count=5   substitution-prop.checkpoint=timebased
substitution-prop.checkpointInterval=15   substitution-prop.postingsDataStream=${was.install.root}/temp/postings"

The WSGrid invocation to submit the job described by the preceding properties file is:

Related concepts

  • WSGrid command-line utility

  • Batch job properties
  • WSGrid properties file examples