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Kerberos token

IBM WebSphere Application Server provides Kerberos token support for web services message-level security. The support is based on the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) Web Services Security Kerberos Token Profile Version 1.1. Use this topic to understand the Kerberos support that is available for web services.

Kerberos token profile version 1.1

Kerberos Version 5 is a mature, open standard that provides a secure third-party authentication mechanism. The OASIS Web Services SOAP Message Security specification references the Kerberos token in the SOAP message. Web services applications can use the Kerberos token to send identities and protect messages more securely. Overall, Kerberos support involves Kerberos support in Java EE security and the Kerberos token support in Web Services Security. This topic covers the Kerberos token support in Web Services Security only.

In WAS v7 and later, Web Services Security supports the Kerberos token, which is based on OASIS WS-Security Kerberos Token Profile Version 1.1 specification. The Kerberos token is a binary security token for web services message-level security. Web Services Security provides SOAP message-level security, such as security token propagation, message signature, and message encryption. The Kerberos token is used for message security, specifically with the SOAP message security specification for web services, and is another supported token, such as the username token and the secure conversation token.

For more information, see the Web Services Security Kerberos Token Profile Version 1.1 specification. The specification explains how to use Kerberos security with the Web Services Security and how the Kerberos token is propagated and used to secure the SOAP message through signing and encryption.

Kerberos token profile enablement

The WebSphere Application Server configuration model leverages existing tools and frameworks for the Kerberos token profile configuration of authentication and message protection, such as:

For JAX-WS client applications, the design updates the APIs for Web Services Security and enforces a Web Services Security policy with a Kerberos token, which is based on the OASIS token profile. To enable a Kerberos token profile by using a policy set, first establish the Web Services Security policy and binding files by using a custom token. For more information, see the "Kerberos configuration models for web services" topic.

Kerberos support

The following Kerberos-related function is supported by web services in WebSphere Application Server:

The application server does not support the following function:


Related tasks

  • Configure the Kerberos token for Web Services Security

    Related information:

    Kerberos Token Profile Version 1.1 specification

    Kerberos Token Profile 1.1 Approved Errata