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Kerberos message protection for web services

Message-level security is based on the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) Web Services Security Kerberos Token Profile Version 1.1 specification. Use this topic to gain an overall understanding of how message protection is implemented with a Kerberos token for web services.

Message protection

The application server can interoperate with other web services technology because of the implementation of the OASIS web services Kerberos token profile. This specification defines the standards for securing a SOAP message with the Kerberos token. However, mutual authentication is not defined by the token profile. The OASIS Web Services SOAP Message Security specification describes how to secure a SOAP message through signing and encryption by using and referencing a Kerberos token. Specifically, the OASIS specification defines how the Kerberos token, as a wrapped or unwrapped AP_REQ packet, is encoded and attached to the SOAP message. The token described in the OASIS Kerberos token profile is limited to the AP_REQ packet, which consists of a service ticket and an authenticator. The AP_REQ packet is obtained from the Key Distribution Center (KDC), which serves as the third-party authentication service.

Multiple formats exist for the Kerberos token, as defined in the OASIS Web Services Security Kerberos Token Profile 1.1. The @ValueType attribute is used to specify the token format. Specify one of the following <@ValueType> attributes for the element:

The resulting AP_REQ token can be either GSS-API framed (wrapped) or raw (unwrapped). The token must be Base-64 encoded.

Related information:

Kerberos Token Profile Version 1.1 specification

Kerberos Token Profile 1.1 Approved Errata