Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > New features > Overview and new features: Administering

What is new for administrators

  1. Administer OSGi applications
  2. Administrative job types using
  3. Audit service provider settings
  4. Collecting Java dumps and core files
  5. Communications Enabled Applications concepts
  6. CustomProperties policy and binding properties
  7. Disable WebSphere MQ functionality in WAS
  8. Dynamic cache provider for the JPA 2.0 second level cache
  9. Export SCA composite definitions using scripting
  10. Export WSDL and XSD documents
  11. External high availability frameworks and service integration
  12. High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL)
  13. Implement RESTful views of EJB applications using JAX-RS
  14. Install, updating, rolling back, and uninstalling the Application Client for IBM WAS
  15. Install and uninstall the Web Server Plug-ins
  16. Install enterprise application files by adding properties files to a monitored directory
  17. Install enterprise application files by adding them to a monitored directory
  18. Interoperation using the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
  19. JAXB
  20. JAX-WS
  21. JCA 1.6 support for annotations in RAR modules
  22. Job manager
  23. JSR 289 overview
  24. Lookup names support in deployment descriptors and thin clients
  25. managesdk command
  26. Manage policy set attachments for service references using wsadmin
  27. Manage policy sets and bindings for services references
  28. Manage self-issue SAML token configuration using wsadmin
  29. Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands using
  30. Overview of IBM JAX-RS
  31. Policy set bindings settings for Custom properties
  32. Query web services using
  33. Recover or move nodes with the addNode -asExistingNode command
  34. Resource workload routing
  35. Security custom properties
  36. Single sign-on settings
  37. Submit Installation Manager jobs
  38. Submit jobs to install Installation Manager on remote hosts
  39. TargetGroup command group using
  40. Task overview: Implementing web services applications
  41. Use application properties files to install, update, and delete enterprise application files
  42. Use Java contexts and dependency injection with JAX-RS
  43. Use WADL to generate service documentation
  44. Web container custom properties
  45. Web fragments
  46. Web service clients and policy configuration to use the service provider policy
  47. Web Services Addressing support
  48. What is new for securing web services
  49. Work with web services endpoint URL fragment property files
  50. WS-Policy


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