Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Monitor > Monitor overall system health > Enable PMI data collection

Obtaining a list of performance counters from the command line

Obtain a list of performance counters from the command line. The application server must be running when you obtain a list of performance counters from the command line.

We can obtain a list of performance counters from the command line.


  1. Bring up a command line window.

  2. Type the following commands:
    set perf [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=Perf,*]
    set perfON [$AdminControl makeObjectName $perf]
    set params [java::new {java.lang.Object[]} 1]
    $params set 0 [java::new java.util.Locale "en-US"]
    set sigs  [java::new {java.lang.String[]} 1]
    $sigs set 0 java.util.Locale
    set out [java::cast {[]}
    [$AdminControl invoke_jmx $perfON getConfigs $params $sigs]]
    for {set i 0} {$i
    < [$out length]} {incr i 1} { puts [[$out get $i] toString] }
  3. Results similar to the following example are returned:
    Stats type=systemModule, Description=The system performance data from  
    the operating system.
    {name=FreeMemory, ID=3, type=CountStatistic, description=A
    snapshot of free memory (in KB)., unit=N/A, level=low, statisticSet=all, resettable=false, aggregatable=true, zosAggregatable=true}
    {name=CPUUsageSinceServerStarted, ID=2, type=AverageStatistic, description=The average CPU utilization since the server was
    started., unit=N/A, level=medium, statisticSet=extended, resettable=true, aggregatable=true, zosAggregatable=true}
    {name=CPUUsageSinceLastMeasurement, ID=1, type=CountStatistic, description=The average CPU utilization since the last query., unit=N/A, level=low, statisticSet=basic, resettable=false, aggregatable=true, zosAggregatable=true

Enable PMI data collection


Enterprise bean counters
JDBC connection pool counters
J2C connection pool counters
Java virtual machine counters
ORB counters
Servlet session counters
Transaction counters
Thread pool counters
Web application counters
Workload Management counters
System counters
Dynamic cache counters
Web services gateway counters
Web services counters
Alarm Manager counters
Object Pool counters
Scheduler counters
High availability manager counters
Distribution and consistency services (DCS) stack counters
Extension registry counters


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