Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Administrator best practices

Dynamic cache counters


Use this page as a reference for properties of dynamic cache counters.

We can use PMI data for dynamic cache to monitor the behavior and performance of the dynamic cache service.

Use the dynamic cache MBean to access the related data and display it under dynamic cache in the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV).

Counter definitions

Name Key ID value Description Granularity Type Level Overhead
MaxInMemoryCacheEntryCount cacheModule..maxInMemoryCacheEntryCount 1 The maximum number of in-memory cache entries. Locate it under servlet instance or object instance. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
InMemoryCacheEntryCount cacheModule.inMemoryCacheEntryCount 2 The current number of in-memory cache entries. Locate it under servlet instance and object instance. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
HitsInMemoryCount cacheModule.hitsInMemoryCount 21 The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from memory. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
HitsOnDiskCount cacheModule.hitsOnDiskCount 22 The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
ExplicitInvalidationCount cacheModule.explicitInvalidationCount 23 The number of explicit invalidations. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
LruInvalidationCount cacheModule.lruInvalidationCount 24 The number of cache entries that are removed from memory by a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
TimeoutInvalidationCount cacheModule.timeoutInvalidationCount 25 The number of cache entries that are removed from memory and disk because their timeout has expired. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
InMemoryAndDiskCacheEntryCount cacheModule.inMemoryAndDiskCacheEntryCount 26 The current number of used cache entries in memory and disk. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
RemoteHitCount cacheModule.remoteHitCount 27 The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from other Java virtual machines within the replication domain. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
MissCount cacheModule.missCount 28 The number of requests for cacheable objects that were not found in the cache. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
ClientRequestCount cacheModule.clientRequestCount 29 The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by applications running on this application server. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
DistributedRequestCount cacheModule.distributedRequestCount 30 The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by cooperating caches in this replication domain. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount cacheModule.explicitMemoryInvalidationCount 31 The number of explicit invalidations that result in the removal of an entry from memory. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount cacheModule.explicitDiskInvalidationCount 32 The number of explicit invalidations that result in the removal of an entry from disk. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
LocalExplicitInvalidationCount cacheModule.localExplicitInvalidationCount 34 The number of explicit invalidations that are generated locally, either programmatically or by a cache policy. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount cacheModule.remoteExplicitInvalidationCount 35 The number of explicit invalidations that are received from a cooperating JVM in this replication domain. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
RemoteCreationCount cacheModule.remoteCreationCount 36 The number of cache entries that are received from cooperating dynamic caches. For servlet instance, locate it under template group. For object instance, locate it under object group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
ObjectsOnDisk cacheModule.objectsOnDisk 4 The current number of cache entries on disk. locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
HitsOnDisk cacheModule.hitsOnDisk 5 The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
ExplicitInvalidationsFromDisk cacheModule.explicitInvalidationFromDisk 6 The number of explicit invalidations that result in the removal of entries from disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
TimeoutInvalidationsFromDisk cacheModule.timeoutInvalidationsFromDisk 7 The number of disk timeouts. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
PendingRemovalFromDisk cacheModule.pendingRemovalFromDisk 8 The current number of pending entries that are to be removed from disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
DependencyIDsOnDisk cacheModule.dependencyIdsOnDisk 9 The current number of dependency ID that are on disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
DependencyIDsBufferedForDisk cacheModule.dependencyIdsBufferedForDisk 10 The current number of dependency IDs that are buffered for the disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
DependencyIDsOffloadedToDisk cacheModule.dependencyIdsOffloadedToDisk 11 The number of dependency IDs that are offloaded to disk. It is located under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
DependencyIDBasedInvalidationsFromDisk cacheModule.dependencyIdBasedInvalidationsFromDisk 12 The number of dependency ID-based invalidations. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
TemplatesOnDisk cacheModule.templatesOnDisk 13 The current number of templates that are on disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
TemplatesBufferedForDisk cacheModule.templatesBufferedForDisk 14 The current number of templates that are buffered for the disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
TemplatesOffloadedToDisk cacheModule.templatesOffloadedToDisk 15 The number of templates that are offloaded to disk. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
TemplateBasedInvalidationsFromDisk cacheModule.templateBasedInvalidationsFromDisk 16 The number of template-based invalidations. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
GarbageCollectorInvalidationsFromDisk cacheModule.garbageCollectorInvalidationsFromDisk 17 The number of garbage collector invalidations that result in the removal of entries from disk cache due to high threshold has been reached. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low
OverflowInvalidationsFromDisk cacheModule.overflowInvalidationsFromDisk 18 The number of invalidations that result in the removal of entries from disk due to exceeding the disk cache size or disk cache size in GB limit. Locate it under disk group. Per Server CountStatistic All Low

Monitor overall system health


PMI data organization
MBean cache statistics


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