Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Set up intermediary services > Implement a web server plug-in > Edit web server configuration files
Configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
This topic describes manual configuration settings for Internet Information Services (IIS).
The Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool configures the web server. This topic describes how to configure the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Server manually. Other procedures in Edit web server configuration files describe configuring other supported web servers.
We must have read/write access to the plugins_root directory to perform this task. Use the following procedure to manually reproduce how the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool configures the Microsoft Internet Information Services Web Server.
- Configure IIS v6.0.
- Start the IIS application and create a new virtual directory for the website instance that you intend to work with WAS. These instructions assume that you are using the Default Web Site.
Click Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on a Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition system, for example.
- Expand the tree on the left until you see Default Web Site.
Right-click Default Web Site > New > Virtual Directory to create the directory with a default installation.
- Type sePlugins in the Alias field in the Virtual Directory Alias panel, then click Next.
- Browse to the plugins_root\bin\IIS_web_server_name
directory in the Path field of the Web Site Content Directory panel , then click Next.
For example, select the C:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_webserver1 directory.
- Select the appropriate permission check boxes in the Virtual Directory Access Permissions panel.
Select the Read check box and the Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI) check box, for example.
- Click Next to add the sePlugins virtual directory to your default website.
- Click Finish when the success message displays.
- Copy the plug-in binaries to the plugins_root \bin\IIS_web_server_name
For example. copy the plug-in binary files to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_webserver1 directory.
The plugin-cfg.loc file resides in this directory. The first line of the plugin-cfg.loc file identifies the location of the plugin-cfg.xml file.
- Expand the Web Sites folder in the left pane navigation tree of the IIS Manager panel.
- Right-click Default Web Site in the navigation tree and click Properties.
- Add the Internet Services Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter into the IIS configuration.
In the Default Web Site Properties panel, perform the following steps:
- Click the ISAPI Filters tab.
- Click Add to open the Add/Edit Filter Properties dialog window.
- Type iisWASPlugin in the Filter name field.
- Click Browse to select the C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_webserver1\iisWASPlugin_http.dll file for the value of the Executable field.
Browse to your plugins_root \bin\IIS_web_server_name
directory to select the iisWASPlugin_http.dll file.
- Click OK to close the Add/Edit Filter Properties dialog window.
- Click OK to close the Default Web Site Properties window.
- Set the value in the plugin-cfg.loc file to the location of the configuration file.
Set the location to the plugins_root \config\ webserver_name
\plugin-cfg.xml file, which might be C:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\config\IIS_webserver1\plugin-cfg.xml file.
The location varies depending on how we have configured the system. If the web server and the application server are on separate machines, we have a remote installation.
If the two servers are on the same machine, we have a local installation.
If the two servers are on the same machine and the application server is federated, we have a local distributed installation.
Local distributed example:
"C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\custom01\config\cells\ dmgrcell\nodes\managed_node\servers\webserver1\plugin-cfg.xml"Example:
- Configure the web server to run WAS extensions:
- Expand the left pane navigation tree and click on the Web Service Extensions folder in the IIS Manager panel.
- Click Add a new web service extension to open the New Web Service Extension dialog window.
- In the Extension name field, type WASPlugin as the name of the new web service extension.
- Click Add to open the Add file dialog window.
- In the Path to file field, type the path or click Browse to navigate to the correct iisWASPlugin_http.dll file that the new web service extension requires, and click OK.
- Select the Set extension status to Allowed check box to automatically set the status of the new web service extension to Allowed and click OK.
- Configure IIS v7.x.
Supported configurations: We can use IIS v7 with Windows Server 2008 and IIS v7.5 with Windows Server 2008 R2.
- Install IIS v7.x with the necessary IIS Version 6.0 Management Compatibility components.
IIS Version 6.0 Management Compatibility components are not automatically installed by default. Complete the following steps to install IIS v7.x with the necessary IIS v6.0 Management Compatibility components.
- Complete the following steps to bring up the Server Manager window on Windows Server 2008:
- Click Start > Administrative Tools > Server Managers.
- Click Action > Add Roles, and then click Next.
- On the Select Server Roles page, select the Web Server (IIS) role, and then click Next.
- If a prompt for the Windows Process Activation Service feature displays, click Add Feature > Next, and then click Next on the IIS introduction page
- When the Role Services window displays, verify that the following options are selected in addition to the default options that are already selected.
- Internet Information Services: Management Tools
- IIS v6.0 Management Compatibility: IIS v6.0 Management Console, IIS v6.0 Scripting Tools, IIS v6.0 WMI Compatibility, and IIS Metabase compatibility
- Application Development: ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters
- Click Next to enable the selected options, and then click Install on the next window to perform the installation.
- When the installation finishes, click Close on the Installation Results window.
- Install the web server plug-ins.
If you are using an already installed web server plug-in, go to the next step, and re-configure IIS v7.x to use that web server plug-in.
- Optional: Re-configure IIS v7.x if the web server plug-in is already installed:
The following steps are completed automatically during web server plug-in installation. You only need to complete these steps are if you are re-configuring IIS v7.x to use an existing web server plug-in.
Complete the following steps to re-configure IIS v7.x:
- Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on a Windows Server 2008 operating system. This action starts the IIS application, and creates a new virtual directory for the website instance that you intend to use with WAS. These instructions assume that you are using the default website.
- Expand the tree on the left until you see Default Web Site.
- Right-click Default Web Site > Add Virtual Directory to create the directory with a default installation.
- Type sePlugins in the Alias field on the Virtual Directory Alias window.
- Browse to the plugins_root\bin\IIS_web_server_name
directory in the Physical Path field of the Web Site Content Directory window, and then click OK. For example, select the C:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_webserver1 directory.
- Click the Test Settings button. If the settings test fails, then either change the permissions of the physical directory, or select Connect As, and let IIS connect as a Windows user account that has authority to files in that physical path.
Attention: When you click the Test Settings button, you might encounter the following warning message if you use the default "Pass-thru authentication" setting:
Cannot verify access to pathFor more information, refer to the Microsoft information on this subject.
- Click OK to add the sePlugins virtual directory to your default website.
- In the navigation tree, select the sePlugins virtual directory that you just created.
- On the Features panel, double-click Handler Mappings, and then click Edit Feature Permissions on the Actions panel.
- Select Script and Execute, if they are not already selected.
- Click OK.
- Manually copy the plug-in binaries to the plugins_root\bin\IIS_web_server_name
directory. For example, copy the plug-in binary files to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_webserver1 directory.
The plugin-cfg.loc file resides in this directory. The first line of the plugin-cfg.loc file identifies the location of the plugin-cfg.xml file.
- Return to the IIS Manager window, and expand the Web Sites folder in the left-hand navigation tree of that window.
- Select Default Web Site in the navigation tree.
- Add the Internet Services Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter into the IIS configuration.
On the Default Web Site Properties panel...
- Double-click the ISAPI Filters tab.
- Click to open the Add/Edit Filter Properties dialog window.
- Type iisWASPlugin in the Filter name field.
- Click Browse to select the plug-in file located in the plugins_root \bin\IIS_web_server_name
iisWASPlugin_http.dll directory.
- Click OK to close the Add/Edit Filter Properties dialog window.
- In the navigation tree, select the top level server node.
- On the Features panel, double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions, and then, on the Actions panel, click Add.
To determine the value to specify for the ISAPI or CGI Path property, browse to, and then select the same plug-in file that you selected in the previous step. For example:
Then type WASPlugin in the Description field, select Allow extension path to execute, and then click OK to close the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions dialog window.
- Set the value in the plugin-cfg.loc file to the location of the configuration file at plugins_root \config\webserver_name
Following is the default location:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\config\IIS_webserver1\plugin-cfg.xmlThe location varies depending on how we have configured the system. If the web server, and WAS are on separate machines, we have a remote installation. If the web server, and WAS are on the same machine, then we have a local installation, and the correct location of the configuration file might be set. If the two servers are on the same machine, and the application server is federated, we have a local distributed installation.
Local distributed example:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\custom01\config\cells\dmgrcell\nodes \managed_node\servers\webserver1\plugin-cfg.xmlLocal example:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\config\webserver1\ plugin-cfg.xml
- Restart IIS v7.x and your WAS profile.
- Enable IIS v6.0 or IIS v7.x to communicate with a web server plug-in that is running in 32–bit mode.
The web server plug-in for IIS is available in both 32-bit, and 64-bit versions. When using the 32-bit version plug-in on a Microsoft Windows 64-bit operating system, the following steps should be taken to enable the native 64-bit IIS to run the plug-in under a 32-bit worker process.
The Windows Server TechNet topic Run 32-bit Applications on 64-bit Windows describes how to enable the native 64-bit IIS v6.0 to run the web server plug-in under a 32-bit worker process.
Complete the following steps to enable the native 64-bit IIS v7.x to run the web server plug-in under a 32-bit worker process:
Optional. Configure multiple websites. Given:
- Launch the IIS v7.x admin console.
- On the connections page, expand the Sites node, and select the website that is intended for the web server plug-in.
- On the actions page, click Basic Settings, and make a note of the Application Pool name.
- Click Cancel , and then select the Application Pools node on the connections page.
- On the features page, right-click the application pool that you noted in the earlier step, and then choose Advanced Settings.
- Set the Enable 32-bit Applications property to True.
- Click OK to complete the configuration change.
- Restart the corresponding application pool.
- There are two websites defined: website1, website2.
- The DLL files are already created as bin/website1/iisWASPlugin_http.dll and bin/website2/iisWebsite2/iisWASPlugin_http.dll.
- The plugin-cfg.loc files are created in the same folder as the DLL files.
- Run IIS in worker process isolation mode (default).
To enable worker process in isolation mode:
- Open the IIS Manager console and expand the local computer by clicking the plus sign.
- Expand the Web Sites folder, then right-click the Default Web Sites folder.
- Click Properties, then click the Service tab.
- Under Isolation mode, clear the Run web service in IIS 5.0 isolation mode check box to enable worker process isolation mode.
- Define two application pools; one for website1 and the other for website2. Do not use the pre-defined application pool DefaultAppPool.
- Define the two websites, including the filter setting, virtual host setting, and extension settings.
- Assign an application pool for each website.
- Under each website folder, right click on the website name.
- Click Property, and select the Home Directory tab. 2.
- At the bottom of the application settings, select the application pool you defined for website 1 from the drop-down list of application pools.
- Click OK.
- Repeat the previous steps for the second website and select the application pool you defined for website 2.
- Start the IIS service and start each website.
This procedure results in re-configuring the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Server.
On some editions of the Windows operating system, the http_plugin.log file is not created automatically when the plug-in is installed and the IIS Web Server is started. If the http_plugin.log file is not created after performing the procedure described above, take the following steps:
- Open a Windows Explorer window.
- Browse to the plugins_root\logs\web_server_name
- Share the folder and give full-control permission to everyone.
What to do next
We can now install applications on the configured Web server. See the Applications section of the information center for more information.
Tip: To unconfigure a web server, reverse the manual steps and remove what was manually added in this procedure.
Edit web server configuration files