Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 >
Setting up intermediary services
Set up and administer intermediary services, such as Web servers and proxy servers, which communicate with your application servers.
- How do I...Setting up intermediary services
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- Implement a web server plug-in
This topic describes how to implement a web server plug-in. The product works with a web server to route requests for dynamic content, such as servlets, from web applications. The web servers are necessary for directing traffic from browsers to the applications that run on an application server. The web server plug-in uses the XML configuration file to determine whether a request is for an application server.
- Use the DataPower appliance manager
The DataPower appliance manager automatically starts if you issue a request to the DataPower appliance manager and it is not already started. We can initiate a request using wsadmin, or by selecting any of the admin console pages that enable you to view or change settings for DataPower appliances, firmware, or managed sets, or the administrative console page used to monitor DataPower appliance manager tasks. The appliance manager also automatically starts when the dmgr starts if there are any DataPower appliances configured in the appliance manager.
- Set up the proxy server
A proxy server is a specific type of application server that routes HTTP requests to content servers that perform the work. We can classify a proxy server according to the role that it plays in a system. This specific proxy server is classified as a reverse proxy server because the main function is to act as the first point of contact, not including the firewall, for client requests into the enterprise server. By contrast, a forward proxy server acts as the first point of contact for outbound traffic.
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