Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)

WIMManagementCommands command group


Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure security with The commands and parameters in the WIMManagementCommands group can be used to create and manage groups, members, and users in the virtual member manager.

If the Use global security settings option is selected for the user realm or the Global federated repositories option is selected as the realm type for the specified domain, the user and group management commands are executed on the federated repository of the admin domain. For example, if you run the createUser command for the specified domain, the user is created in the admin domain. However, configuration changes performed on the domain are applied to the security domain-specific configuration.

The WIMManagementCommands command group includes the following commands:


The addMemberToGroup command adds a member to a group in the virtual member manager. If successful, the addMemberToGroup command returns the unique name of the added member.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the user or group that you want to add to the specified group. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager.


Unique name for the group to which you want to add the user or group that you specifed in the memberUniqueName parameter. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager.


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The changeMyPassword command allows you to change your password when you are logged into WAS. It requires you to specify your old password and the new password, and then confirm your new password. If your old password is validated successfully, and the new password that you specify exactly matches your confirmation of the new password, then the password is changed.

We can use the changeMyPassword command only for repositories that have a write adapter for federated repositories. It will not work for read-only adapters or the federated repositories user registry bridge that is configured with the local operating system user registry or a custom user registry.

Parameters and return values


The old password of the user. The value of the oldPassword parameter is validated against the password of the user in the repository. (String, required)


The new password that must be set for the user. (String, required)


The new password that must be set for the user. The value of the newPassword and confirmNewPassword parameters must match. (String, required)

After you change your password, your old password might continue to remain in effect, allowing you to login using your old password. This happens if both the authentication cache and basic authentication cache keys are enabled, causing the old password to remain valid according to the value specified for cache timeout or cache size.

We can clear the WAS security cache so that you do not have to wait for the cacheTimeout to expire. To clean entries from the AuthCache, use the SecurityAdmin MBeanclearAuthCache methods, clearAuthCache or purgeUserFromCache.

Call one of the following MBean methods on each WAS process that requires the subject of the user to be cleared from the cache. The AuthCache is a cache for each process, so every process (not just the dmgr) that has the user authenticated must have this method called:

  • /**
     * clearAuthCache
    public void clearAuthCache()

  • /**
     * purgeUserFromCache
    public void purgeUserFromAuthCache(String realm, String userid)

The following example shows how you can use wsadmin to call the clearAuthCache method on the dmgr process:

set sa [$AdminControl queryNames type=SecurityAdmin,process=dmgr,*]
$AdminControl invoke $sa clearAuthCache

For more information, read Authentication cache settings.


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The createGroup command creates a new group in the virtual member manager. After the command completes, the new group will appear in the repository. For LDAP, a group must contain a member. The memberUniqueName parameter is optional in this case. If you set the memberUniqueName parameter to the unique name of a group or a user, the group or user will be added as a member of the group.

Parameters and return values


Common name for the group to create. This parameter maps to the cn property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


Specifies additional information about the group that you want to create. This parameter maps to the description property in a virtual member manager object. (String, optional)


Repository in which to create the group. This parameter maps to the parent property in the virtual member manager. (String, optional)


Unique name for the user or group that you want to add to the new group. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in the virtual member manager. (String, optional)


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The createUser command creates a new user in the default repository or a repository that the parent command parameter specifies. This command creates a person entity and a login account entity in the virtual member manager.

Parameters and return values


Unique ID for the user to create. Virtual member manager then creates a uniqueId value and a uniqueName value for the user. This parameter maps to the uid property in the virutal member manager. (String, required)


Password for the user. This parameter maps to the password property in the virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


Password again to validate how it was entered for the password parameter. This parameter maps to the password property in virtual member manager. (String, optional)


Specifes the first name or given name of the user. This parameter maps to the cn property in virutal member manager. (String, required)


Last name or family name of the user. This parameter maps to the sn property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Email address of the user. This parameter maps to the ibm-PrimaryEmail property in the virtual member manager. (String, optional)


Repository in which to create the user. This parameter maps to the parent property in the virtual member manager. (String, optional)


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The deleteGroup command deletes a group in the virtual member manager. We cannot use this command to delete descendants. When this command completes, the group will be deleted from the repository.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the group to delete. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The deleteUser command deletes a user from the virtual member manager. This includes a person object and an account object in the non-merged repositories.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the user to delete. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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Use the duplicateMembershipOfGroup command to make a one group a member of all of the same groups as another group. For example, group A is in group B and group C.

To add group D to the same groups as group A, use the duplicateMembershipOfGroup command.

Parameters and return values


Name of the group to which to add the memberships of the group specified in the copyFromUniqueName parameter. (String, required)


Name of the group from which to copy the group memberships for another group to use. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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Use the duplicateMembershipOfUser command to make a one user a member of all of the same groups as another user. For example, user 1 is in group B and group C.

To add user 2 to the same groups as user 1, use the duplicateMembershipOfUser command.

Parameters and return values


Name of the user to which to add the memberships of the user specified in the copyFromUniqueName parameter. (String, required)


Name of the user from which to copy the group memberships for another user to use. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The getGroup command retrieves the common name and description of a group.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the group to view. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The getMembershipOfGroup command retrieves the groups of which a group is a member.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the group whose group memberships to view. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The getMembershipOfUser command retrieves the groups of which a user is a member.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the user whose group memberships to view. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The getMembersOfGroup command retrieves the members of a group.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the group whose members you want to view. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The getUser command retrieves information about a user in the virtual member manager.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the user to view. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in the virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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The removeMemberFromGroup command removes a user or a group from a group.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the user or group that you want to remove from the specified group. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Unique name for the group from which you want to remove the user or group specified with the memberUniqueName paramter. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


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Use the searchGroups command to find groups in the virtual member manager that match criteria that provided. For example, you can use the searchGroups command to find all of the groups with a common name that begins with IBM. We can search for any virtual member manager property because the command is generic.

Parameters and return values


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


The first name or given name of the user. This parameter maps to the cn property in the virtual member manager. We must set this parameter or the description parameter, but not both. (String, optional)


Specifies information about the group. This parameter maps to the description entity in a virtual member manager object. We must set this parameter or the cn parameter, but not both. (String, optional)


Maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the search can run. The default value is no time limit. (String, optional)


Maximum number of results that you want returned from the search. By default, all groups found in the search are returned. (String, optional)


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Use the searchUsers command to find users in the virtual member manager that match criteria that provided. For example, you can use the searchUsers command to find all of the telephone numbers that contain 919. You can search for any virtual member manager property because the command is generic.

Parameters and return values


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


Principal name oft he user used as the logon ID for the user in the system. This parameter maps to the principalName property in virtual member manager. We must specify only one of the following parameters: principalName, uid, cn, sn, or ibm-primaryEmail. (String, optional)


Unique ID value for the user for whom to search. This parameter maps to the uid property in virtual member manage. We must specify only one of the following parameters: principalName, uid, cn, sn, or ibm-primaryEmail. (String, optional)


First name or given name of the user. This parameter maps to the cn property in virtual member manager. We must specify only one of the following parameters: principalName, uid, cn, sn, or ibm-primaryEmail. (String, optional)


Last name or family name of the user. This parameter maps to the sn property in virtual member manager. We must specify only one of the following parameters: principalName, uid, cn, sn, or ibm-primaryEmail. (String, optional)


Email address of the user. This parameter maps to the ibm-PrimaryEmail property in the virtual member manager. We must specify only one of the following parameters: principalName, uid, cn, sn, or ibm-primaryEmail. (String, optional)


Maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the search can run. The default is not time limit. (String, optional)


Maximum number of results that you want returned from the search. By default, all users found int he search are returned. (String, optional)


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The updateGroup command updates the common name or the description of a group.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the group for which you want to modify the properties. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


New common name used for the group. This parameter maps to the cn property in virtual member manager. (String, optional)


New information about the group. This parameter maps to the description entity in a virtual member manager object. (String, optional)


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The updateUser command updates the following properties: uniqueName, uid, password, cn, sn, or ibm-primaryEmail.

Parameters and return values


Unique name for the user for which you want to modify the properties. This parameter maps to the uniqueName property in virtual member manager. (String, required)


Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository. (String, optional)


New unique ID value for the user. This parameter maps to the uid property in virtual member manager. (String, optional)


New password for the user. This parameter maps to the password property in virtual member manager. (String, optional)


Password again to validate how it was entered on the password parameter. This parameter maps to the password property in virtual member manager. (String, optional)


New first name or given name of the user. This parameter maps to the cn property in virtual member manager. (String, optional)


New last name or family name of the user. This parameter maps to the sn property in virtual member manager. (String, optional)


New email address of the user. This parameter maps to the mail property in virtual member manager.  (String, optional)


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Use the wsadmin scripting AdminTask object for scripted administration


Commands using
Authentication cache settings


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