Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)

AuditFilterCommands command group

We can use Jython to configure the security auditing system with Use the commands and parameters in the AuditFilterCommands group to configure and manage auditable events.

Use the following commands to configure filters for auditable events in your security auditing configuration:


The convertFilterRefToString command converts a reference ID of a filter to a shortened string value such as AUTHN:SUCCESS.

Target object None

Required parameters


Specifies a reference ID for a specific audit filter in the audit.xml file. The system defines 4 default audit filters by default. Use the createAuditFilter command to create additional audit filters in your audit.xml configuration file. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns the string value of an event type in a shortened format, as the following sample output displays:


Batch example...

Interactive example...


The convertFilterStringToRef command converts the shortened name of an event type, such as AUTHN:SUCCESS, to the reference ID of the audit filter in the audit.xml configuration file.

The command accepts one event and outcome pair. The command does not accept multiple event and outcome pairs, such as AUTHN:SUCCESS AUTHZ:SUCCESS.

Target object None

Required parameters


Specifies a shortened form of a reference ID for an audit filter, such as AUTHN:SUCCESS. The event type must exist in your security auditing system configuration. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns the reference ID for the event type of interest, as the following example displays:


Batch example...

Interactive example...


The createAuditFilter command creates and enables a new audit event filter specification entry in the audit.xml configuration file.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name to associate with the audit event filter. (String, required)


Specifies a list of one or more auditable events.

To specify a list, separate each outcome with a comma (,) character. (String, required)

We can configure the following auditable events in your security auditing system:

Event types. Valid auditable events can be specified as an enabled event type when creating an event filter:

Event name Description
SECURITY_AUTHN Audits all authentication events
SECURITY_AUTHN_MAPPING Audits events that record mapping of credentials where two user identities are involved
SECURITY_AUTHN_TERMINATE Audits authentication termination events such as a timeout, terminated session, or user-initiated logging out
SECURITY_AUTHZ Audits events related to authorization checks when the system enforces access control policies
SECURITY_RUNTIME Audits runtime events such as the starting and the stopping of security servers. This event type is not meant for administrative operations performed by a system administrator as such operations need to use the other SECURITY_MGMT_* event types.
SECURITY_MGMT_AUDIT Audits events that record operations related to the audit subsystem such as starting audit, stopping audit, turning audit on or off, changing configuration of audit filters or level, archiving audit data, purging audit data, and so on.
SECURITY_RESOURCE_ACCESS Audits events that record all accesses to a resource. Examples are all accesses to a file, all HTTP requests and responses to a given web page, and all accesses to a critical database table
SECURITY_SIGNING Audits events that record signing such as signing operations used to validate parts of a SOAP Message for web services
SECURITY_ENCRYPTION Audits events that record encryption information such as encryption for web services
SECURITY_AUTHN_DELEGATION Audits events that record delegation, including identity assertion, RunAs, and low assertion. Used when the client identity is propagated or when delegation involves the use of a special identity. This event type is also used when switching user identities within a given session.
SECURITY_AUTHN_CREDS_MODIFY Audits events to modify credentials for a given user identity

The following security audit event types are not used in this release of WAS:







Specifies a list of one or multiple event outcomes. For each audit event type, specify an outcome. Valid outcomes include SUCCESS, FAILURE, REDIRECT, ERROR, DENIED, WARNING, and INFO. (String, required)

Return value

If the system is successful, the command returns the reference ID for the new audit event filter, as the following sample output displays:


Batch example...

Interactive example...


The deleteAuditFilter command deletes the audit event filter specification from the audit.xml file that the system references by an event type and outcome.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Auditable event to delete. (String, required)

The following table displays all valid event types:

Event types. Valid auditable events can be specified as an enabled event type when creating an event filter:

Event name Description
SECURITY_AUTHN Audits all authentication events
SECURITY_AUTHN_MAPPING Audits events that record mapping of credentials where two user identities are involved
SECURITY_AUTHN_TERMINATE Audits authentication termination events such as a timeout, terminated session, or user-initiated logging out
SECURITY_AUTHZ Audits events related to authorization checks when the system enforces access control policies
SECURITY_RUNTIME Audits runtime events such as the starting and the stopping of security servers. This event type is not meant for administrative operations performed by a system administrator as such operations need to use the other SECURITY_MGMT_* event types.
SECURITY_MGMT_AUDIT Audits events that record operations related to the audit subsystem such as starting audit, stopping audit, turning audit on or off, changing configuration of audit filters or level, archiving audit data, purging audit data, and so on.
SECURITY_RESOURCE_ACCESS Audits events that record all accesses to a resource. Examples are all accesses to a file, all HTTP requests and responses to a given web page, and all accesses to a critical database table
SECURITY_SIGNING Audits events that record signing such as signing operations used to validate parts of a SOAP Message for web services
SECURITY_ENCRYPTION Audits events that record encryption information such as encryption for web services
SECURITY_AUTHN_DELEGATION Audits events that record delegation, including identity assertion, RunAs, and low assertion. Used when the client identity is propagated or when delegation involves the use of a special identity. This event type is also used when switching user identities within a given session.
SECURITY_AUTHN_CREDS_MODIFY Audits events to modify credentials for a given user identity


Event outcome. Valid outcomes include SUCCESS, FAILURE, REDIRECT, ERROR, DENIED, WARNING, and INFO. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully deletes the audit filter from the configuration.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The deleteAuditFilterByRef command deletes the audit filter that the system references by the referenced id.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Reference ID for an audit filter in the security auditing system configuration. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully deletes the audit filter specification from the audit.xml file.

Batch example...

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The disableAuditFilter command disables the audit filter specification that corresponds to a specific reference id.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Specifies a reference ID for a specific audit filter in the audit.xml file. The system defines 4 default audit filters by default. Use the createAuditFilter command to create additional audit filters in your audit.xml configuration file. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully disables the audit filter.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The enableAuditFilter command enables the audit filter specification that corresponds to a specific reference id. Use this command to enable a filter that was previously configured and disabled in the security auditing system configuration.

To create a new audit filter specification, use the creatAuditFilter command.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Specifies a reference ID for a specific audit filter in the audit.xml file. The system defines 4 default audit filters by default. Use the createAuditFilter command to create additional audit filters in your audit.xml configuration file. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully enables the audit filter.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The getAuditFilter command retrieves the attributes that the system associates with the audit filter specification of interest.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Reference ID for an audit filter in the security auditing system configuration. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns a list of attributes for the audit filter specification of interest, as the following sample output displays:

{{enabled true}
{name DefaultAuditSpecification_1}
{outcome FAILURE}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825608}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}}

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Interactive example...


The getAuditOutcomes command retrieves a list of the enabled outcomes for the auditable event type of interest.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Specifies a list of one or more auditable events.

To specify a list, separate each outcome with a comma (,) character. (String, required)

We can retrieve the event outcome for any of the following auditable events that might be configured in the security auditing system:

Event types. Valid auditable events can be specified as an enabled event type when creating an event filter:

Event name Description
SECURITY_AUTHN Audits all authentication events
SECURITY_AUTHN_MAPPING Audits events that record mapping of credentials where two user identities are involved
SECURITY_AUTHN_TERMINATE Audits authentication termination events such as a timeout, terminated session, or user-initiated logging out
SECURITY_AUTHZ Audits events related to authorization checks when the system enforces access control policies
SECURITY_RUNTIME Audits runtime events such as the starting and the stopping of security servers. This event type is not meant for administrative operations performed by a system administrator as such operations need to use the other SECURITY_MGMT_* event types.
SECURITY_MGMT_AUDIT Audits events that record operations related to the audit subsystem such as starting audit, stopping audit, turning audit on or off, changing configuration of audit filters or level, archiving audit data, purging audit data, and so on.
SECURITY_RESOURCE_ACCESS Audits events that record all accesses to a resource. Examples are all accesses to a file, all HTTP requests and responses to a given web page, and all accesses to a critical database table
SECURITY_SIGNING Audits events that record signing such as signing operations used to validate parts of a SOAP Message for web services
SECURITY_ENCRYPTION Audits events that record encryption information such as encryption for web services
SECURITY_AUTHN_DELEGATION Audits events that record delegation, including identity assertion, RunAs, and low assertion. Used when the client identity is propagated or when delegation involves the use of a special identity. This event type is also used when switching user identities within a given session.
SECURITY_AUTHN_CREDS_MODIFY Audits events to modify credentials for a given user identity

Return value

The command returns one or multiple outcomes for the event type of interest, as the following sample output displays:


Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The getSupportedAuditEvents command returns a list of each supported auditable event.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns the following list of possible event outcomes:


Batch example...

Interactive example...


The getSupportedAuditOutcomes command retrieves a list of each supported outcome for the auditable event filters.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns the following list of possible event outcomes:


Batch example...

Interactive example...


The isAuditFilterEnabled command determines if the audit filter of interest is enabled in the audit.xml configuration file.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Specifies a list of one or more auditable events.

To specify a list, separate each outcome with a comma (,) character. (String, required)

The following auditable events might be configured in your security auditing system:

Event types. Valid auditable events can be specified as an enabled event type when creating an event filter:

Event name Description
SECURITY_AUTHN Audits all authentication events
SECURITY_AUTHN_MAPPING Audits events that record mapping of credentials where two user identities are involved
SECURITY_AUTHN_TERMINATE Audits authentication termination events such as a timeout, terminated session, or user-initiated logging out
SECURITY_AUTHZ Audits events related to authorization checks when the system enforces access control policies
SECURITY_RUNTIME Audits runtime events such as the starting and the stopping of security servers. This event type is not meant for administrative operations performed by a system administrator as such operations need to use the other SECURITY_MGMT_* event types.
SECURITY_MGMT_AUDIT Audits events that record operations related to the audit subsystem such as starting audit, stopping audit, turning audit on or off, changing configuration of audit filters or level, archiving audit data, purging audit data, and so on.
SECURITY_RESOURCE_ACCESS Audits events that record all accesses to a resource. Examples are all accesses to a file, all HTTP requests and responses to a given web page, and all accesses to a critical database table
SECURITY_SIGNING Audits events that record signing such as signing operations used to validate parts of a SOAP Message for web services
SECURITY_ENCRYPTION Audits events that record encryption information such as encryption for web services
SECURITY_AUTHN_DELEGATION Audits events that record delegation, including identity assertion, RunAs, and low assertion. Used when the client identity is propagated or when delegation involves the use of a special identity. This event type is also used when switching user identities within a given session.
SECURITY_AUTHN_CREDS_MODIFY Audits events to modify credentials for a given user identity


Event outcome. Valid outcomes include SUCCESS, FAILURE, REDIRECT, ERROR, DENIED, WARNING, and INFO. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the event type of interest is enabled in the configuration.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The isEventEnabled command determines if the system enabled at least one audit outcome for the event of interest.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Specifies a list of one or more auditable events.

To specify a list, separate each outcome with a comma (,) character. (String, required)

The following auditable events are available to configure in your security auditing system:

Event types. Valid auditable events can be specified as an enabled event type when creating an event filter:

Event name Description
SECURITY_AUTHN Audits all authentication events
SECURITY_AUTHN_MAPPING Audits events that record mapping of credentials where two user identities are involved
SECURITY_AUTHN_TERMINATE Audits authentication termination events such as a timeout, terminated session, or user-initiated logging out
SECURITY_AUTHZ Audits events related to authorization checks when the system enforces access control policies
SECURITY_RUNTIME Audits runtime events such as the starting and the stopping of security servers. This event type is not meant for administrative operations performed by a system administrator as such operations need to use the other SECURITY_MGMT_* event types.
SECURITY_MGMT_AUDIT Audits events that record operations related to the audit subsystem such as starting audit, stopping audit, turning audit on or off, changing configuration of audit filters or level, archiving audit data, purging audit data, and so on.
SECURITY_RESOURCE_ACCESS Audits events that record all accesses to a resource. Examples are all accesses to a file, all HTTP requests and responses to a given web page, and all accesses to a critical database table
SECURITY_SIGNING Audits events that record signing such as signing operations used to validate parts of a SOAP Message for web services
SECURITY_ENCRYPTION Audits events that record encryption information such as encryption for web services
SECURITY_AUTHN_DELEGATION Audits events that record delegation, including identity assertion, RunAs, and low assertion. Used when the client identity is propagated or when delegation involves the use of a special identity. This event type is also used when switching user identities within a given session.
SECURITY_AUTHN_CREDS_MODIFY Audits events to modify credentials for a given user identity

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the audit filter of interest has at least one outcome configured in the audit.xml file.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The listAuditFilters command lists each audit filter and the corresponding attributes that the system defines in the audit.xml file.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a list of audit filters and the corresponding attributes, as the following example displays:

{{enabled true}
{name DefaultAuditSpecification_1}
{outcome FAILURE}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825608}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1173199825608}}
{{enabled true}
{name DefaultAuditSpecification_2}
{event {}}
{outcome FAILURE}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825609}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1173199825609}}
{{enabled true}
{name DefaultAuditSpecification_3}
{outcome FAILURE}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825610}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1173199825610}}
{{enabled true}
{name DefaultAuditSpecification_4}
{outcome FAILURE}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825611}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1173199825611}}
{{enabled true}
{name myfilter}
{outcome REDIRECT}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1184365235250}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1184365235250}}
{{enabled true}
{name myfilter1}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1184365353218}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1184365353218}}
{{enabled true}
{name myfilter}
{outcome SUCCESS INFO}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1184598886859}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1184598886859}}
{{enabled false}
{name myfilter}
{outcome SUCCESS}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1184689433421}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type AuditSpecification}
{filterRef AuditSpecification_1184689433421}}

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The listAuditFiltersByEvent command retrieves a list of events and event outcomes for each audit filter that is configured in the audit.xml file.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a list of events and event outcomes for the audit filters of interest, as the following sample output displays:

{AuditSpecification_1173199825608 SECURITY_AUTHN:FAILURE}{AuditSpecification_117
3199825608 SECURITY_AUTHN_MAPPING:FAILURE}{AuditSpecification_1173199825610 SECU
RMINATE:FAILURE}{AuditSpecification_1184365235250 SECURITY_AUTHZ:REDIRECT}{Audit
NFO}{AuditSpecification_1184689433421 SECURITY_MGMT_PROVISIONING:SUCCESS}{AuditS
pecification_1184689433421 SECURITY_MGMT_POLICY:SUCCESS}

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The listAuditFiltersByRef command lists all reference ids that correspond to the audit filters that are defined in the audit.xml file.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a list of each reference that exists in the audit.xml configuration file, as the following sample output displays:

AuditSpecification_1173199825608 AuditSpecification_1173199825609
AuditSpecification_1173199825610 AuditSpecification_1173199825611
AuditSpecification_1184365235250 AuditSpecification_1184365353218
AuditSpecification_1184598886859 AuditSpecification_1184689433421

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The modifyAuditFilter command modifies the audit filter specification in the audit.xml configuration file.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Reference ID for the audit filter to modify in your security auditing system configuration. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Unique name to associate with the audit event filter. (String, optional)


Specifies a comma-separated list of one or more event types. (String, optional)


Specifies a comma-separated list of one or multiple event outcomes. For each audit event type, specify an outcome. Valid outcomes include SUCCESS, FAILURE, REDIRECT, ERROR, DENIED, WARNING, and INFO. (String, optional)


Whether to enable the filter. Specify true to enable the filter, or false to disable the filter. (Boolean, optional).

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the audit filter.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


AuditKeyStoreCommands command group
AuditSigningCommands command group
AuditEncryptionCommands command group
AuditNotificationCommands command group
AuditPolicyCommands command group
AuditEventFormatterCommands command group


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