Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)

AuditEncryptionCommands command group

We can use Jython to configure the security auditing system with Use the commands and parameters in the AuditEncryptionCommands group to configure the security audit system to encrypt audit records.

Use the following commands to enable, disable, and configure audit record encryption:


The createAuditEncryptionConfig command creates the encryption model used to encrypt the audit records.

We can import the certificate from an existing key file name containing that certificate or automatically generate a certificate.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Whether to encrypt audit records. This parameter modifies your audit policy configuration. (Boolean, required)


Alias name that identifies the generated or imported certificate. (String, required)


Reference ID of the keystore to import the certificate to. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Whether to automatically generate the certificate used to encrypt the audit records. We must specify either this parameter or the -importCert parameter, but you cannot specify both. (Boolean, optional)


Whether to import an existing certificate to encrypt the audit records. We must specify either this parameter or the -autogenCert parameter, but you cannot specify both. (Boolean, optional)


Unique name of the key file for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Key file location for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Key file type for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Key file password for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Alias of the certificate to import. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns the shortened form of the reference ID of the created encryption keystore if the system successfully creates the audit encryption configuration, as the following example output displays:


Batch example...

Interactive example...


The createAuditSelfSignedCertificate command creates a self-signed certificate. Use this command internally to automatically generate a certificate for encryption and signing or to import that certificate into the keystore.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the keystore where the system imports the self-signed certificate to. (String, optional)


Unique alias name for the certificate. (String, required)


Size that the private key uses for the personal certificate. The default value is 1024. (Integer, required)


Common name portion of the distinguished name. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Organizational part of the distinguished name. (String, optional)


Scope of the keystore that the system imports the self-signed certificate to. (String, optional)


Version of the personal certificate. (String, optional)


Organization unit part of the distinguished name. (String, optional)


Locality portion of the distinguished name. (String, optional)


State portion of the distinguished name. (String, optional)


Zip code portion of the distinguished name. (String, optional)


Country portion of the distinguished name. The default value is US. (String, optional)


Length of time, in days, which the certificate is valid. The default value is 365 days. (Integer, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully creates the self-signed certificate.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The deleteAuditCertificate command deletes a self-signed certificate from an audit keystore.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the keystore from which the system deletes the self-signed certificate. (String, required)


Unique alias name for the certificate to delete. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Unique alias name for the certificate. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully deletes the audit certificate.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The deleteAuditEncryptionConfig command deletes the encryption model used to encrypt the audit records. The command does not remove keystore files or the certificates.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully deletes the audit encryption configuration.

Batch mode example usage

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The disableAuditEncryption command disables the encryption of audit records.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully disables audit record encryption.

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The enableAuditEncryption command enables the encryption of audit records.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully enables audit record encyption.

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Interactive example...


The exportAuditCertificate command exports a self-signed certificate from a keystore.

To use this command, adhere to the following user role and privilege guidelines:

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the keystore. (String, required)


Password that the system uses to access the keystore specified with the -keyStoreName parameter. (String, required)


Key store path name that contains the certificate to export. (String, required)


Password of the keystore that contains the certificate to export. (String, required)


Type of the keystore. (String, required)


Alias of the certificate to export from the keystore. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)


Specifies a new unique name to identify the exported certificate. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully exports the audit certificate.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The exportAuditCertToManagedKS command exports a self-signed certificate from an audit keystore to a managed audit keystore.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the managed keystore. (String, required)


Password of the managed keystore that contains the certificate to export. (String, required)


Unique name of the managed keystore that contains the certificate to export. (String, required)


Unique name to identify the exported certificate. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)


Scope of the managed keystore that contains the certificate to export. (String, optional)


New unique name to identify the exported certificate. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the system sets the unique name to the value specified for the -certificateAlias parameter. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully exports the audit certificate.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The getAuditCertificate command retrieves the attributes for an audit self-signed certificate in an audit keystore.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the managed keystore of interest. (String, required)


Unique name to identify the exported certificate of interest. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope name of the keystore of interest. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a list of attributes associated with the audit certificate.

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The getAuditEncryptionConfig command retrieves the encryption model that the system uses to encrypt the audit records.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a list of attributes associated with the encryption model, as the following example output displays:

{{certRef Certificate_1184698729015}
{keystoreRef KeyStore_1173199825578}
{keyStore AuditDefaultKeyStore(cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#KeyStore_1173199825578)}
{enabled true}
{alias mycertalias}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Version {}}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#Certificate_1184698729015}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type Certificate}}

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The getEncryptionKeyStore command retrieves the attributes for the keystore that contains the certificate that the system uses to encrypt the audit records.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a list of attributes for the keystore of interest, as the following example displays:

{{location ${CONFIG_ROOT}/audittrust.p12}
{password *****}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#KeyStore_1173199825578}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Version {}}
{useForAcceleration false}
{slot 0}
{type PKCS12}
{additionalKeyStoreAttrs {}}
{fileBased true}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type KeyStore}
{customProviderClass {}}
{hostList {}}
{keystoreRef KeyStore_1173199825578}
{createStashFileForCMS false}
{description {keyStore description}}
{managementScope (cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#ManagementScope_1173199825608)}
{readOnly false}
{initializeAtStartup true}
{usage {}}
{provider IBMJCE}
{name AuditDefaultKeyStore}}

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The importAuditCertFromManagedKS command imports a self-signed certificate into a keystore from a managed audit keystore. Use this command internally to automatically generate a certificate for encryption or signing and to import a certificate into the keystore.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the managed keystore. (String, required)


Unique name of the managed keystore that contains the certificate to import. (String, required)


Password of the managed keystore that contains the certificate to import. (String, required)


Alias of the certificate to import from the managed keystore file. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)


Scope of the managed keystore that contains the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Unique name to identify the imported certificate. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully imports the audit certificate.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The importAuditCertificate command imports a self-signed certificate into a keystore. Use this command internally to automatically generate a certificate for encryption or signing and to import a certificate into the keystore.

To use this command, adhere to the following user role and privilege guidelines:

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the keystore. (String, required)


Key store path name that contains the certificate to import. (String, required)


Password of the keystore that contains the certificate to import. (String, required)


Type of the keystore. (String, required)


Alias of the certificate to import from the keystore file. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)


Unique name to identify the imported certificate. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully imports the audit certificate.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The importEncryptionCertificate command imports the self-signed certificate that the system uses to encrypt audit data from the encryption keystore into a managed keystore in security.xml.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the keystore. (String, required)


Key store path name that contains the certificate to import. (String, required)


Password of the keystore that contains the certificate to import. (String, required)


Type of the keystore. (String, required)


Alias of the certificate to import from the keystore file. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)


Unique name to identify the imported certificate. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully imports the encryption certificate.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The isAuditEncryptionEnabled command determines if audit record encryption is enabled.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a value of true if audit record encryption is enabled.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The listAuditEncryptionKeyStores command retrieves the attributes for each configured encryption keystore from the audit.xml file. The command returns attributes for active and inactive keystores.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Return value

The command returns a list of attributes for each configured keystore, as the following example output displays:

{{location ${CONFIG_ROOT}/audittrust.p12}
{password *****}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#KeyStore_1173199825578}
{useForAcceleration false}
{slot 0}
{type PKCS12}
{additionalKeyStoreAttrs {}}
{fileBased true}
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type KeyStore}
{customProviderClass {}}
{hostList {}}
{keystoreRef KeyStore_1173199825578}
{createStashFileForCMS false}
{description {keyStore description}}
{readOnly false}
{initializeAtStartup true}
{managementScope (cells/CHEYENNENode04Cell|audit.xml#ManagementScope_1173199825608)}
{usage {}}
{provider IBMJCE}
{name AuditDefaultKeyStore}}

Batch mode example usage

Interactive example...


The listCertAliases command retrieves a list of the personal certificates in the keystore, as specified by the keystore name and scope of interest.

The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters


Unique name of the keystore. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope of the keystore. The default value is the cell scope. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a list of certificate aliases for the personal certificates that are configured for the keystore, as the following sample output displays:


Batch example...

Interactive example...


The modifyAuditEncryptionConfig command modifies the encryption model that the system uses to encrypt the audit records. Specify values for the -enableAuditEncryption, -certAlias, and encryptionKeyStoreRef parameters to use an existing keystore. Do not specify the -importCert or -autogenCert parameters if you use an existing keystore.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None

Required parameters None

Optional parameters


Whether to encrypt audit records. This parameter modifies your audit policy configuration. (Boolean, optional)


Whether to automatically generate the certificate used to encrypt the audit records. We must specify either this parameter or the -importCert parameter, but you cannot specify both. (Boolean, optional)


Whether to import an existing certificate to encrypt the audit records. We must specify either this parameter or the -autogenCert parameter, but you cannot specify both. (Boolean, optional)


Unique name of the key file for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Key file location for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Key file type for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Key file password for the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Alias of the certificate to import. (String, optional)


Alias name that identifies the generated or imported certificate. (String, optional)


Reference ID of the keystore to import the certificate to. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the configuration.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


The renewAuditCertificate command renews a self signed certificate in an audit keystore.

The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.

Target object None


Unique name of the managed keystore of interest. (String, required)


Unique name to identify the exported certificate to renew. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Scope name of the keystore of interest. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the configuration.

Batch example...

Interactive example...


AuditKeyStoreCommands command group
AuditSigningCommands command group
AuditFilterCommands command group
AuditNotificationCommands command group
AuditPolicyCommands command group
AuditEventFormatterCommands command group


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