Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Command-line utilities
restoreConfig command
Use the restoreConfig command to restore the configuration of your node after backing up the configuration using the backupConfig command.
This topic is about configuration migration, such as migrating dmgrs and federated nodes in a network deployment environment. The Application Migration Toolkit for WAS provides support for migrating applications from previous versions of WAS to the latest product version. For information about migrating applications, read more about the Application Migration Toolkit.
The restoreConfig command is a simple utility to restore the configuration of your node after backing up the configuration using the backupConfig command. By default, all servers on the node stop before the configuration restores so that a node synchronization does not occur during the restoration. If the configuration directory already exists, it is renamed before the restoration occurs. For more information about where to run this command, see Using command line tools.
If you directly make changes to the application files in the WAS_HOME/installedApps directory, a process known as "hot deployment", but do not make the same changes to the application files in the WAS_HOME/config directory, the changes might be overwritten if you use the restoreConfig command.
The backupConfig command does not save file permissions or ownership information. The restoreConfig command uses the current umask and effective user ID (EUID) to set the permissions and ownership when restoring a file. If it is required that the restored files have the original permissions and ownership, use the tar command (available on all UNIX or Linux systems) to back up and restore the configuration.
(AIX) If you are using a logical directory for WAS_HOME/config, the restoreConfig command will not work.
Issue the command from the $PROFILE_ROOT/bin directory.
The command syntax is as follows:
(AIX) (Solaris) backup_file [options](Windows)restoreConfig.bat backup_file [options]where backup_file specifies the file to be restored. If you do not specify one, the command will not run.
The following options are available for the restoreConfig command:
Prints a usage statement
-location directory_name
Directory where the backup file is restored
The location defaults to the WAS_HOME/config directory.
-logfile file_name
Location of the log file to which trace information is written By default, the log file is named restoreConfig.log and is created in your logs directory.
Tells the restoreConfig command not to stop the servers before restoring the configuration
-password password
Password for authentication if security is enabled in the server
-profileName profile_name
Defines the profile of the Application Server process in a multiple-profile installation The -profileName option is not required for running in a single profile environment. The default for this option is the default profile.
Suppresses the progress information that the restoreConfig command prints in normal mode
Replaces the log file instead of appending to the current log
Generates trace information into the log file for debugging purposes
-username user_name
User name for authentication if security is enabled in the server; acts the same as the -user option
-user user_name
User name for authentication if security is enabled in the server; acts the same as the -username option
Prints a usage statement
The following example demonstrates correct syntax:
(AIX) (Solaris) WebSphereConfig_2006-04-22.zipThe following example restores the given file to the /tmp directory and does not stop any servers before beginning the restoration:
(AIX) (Solaris) -location /tmp -nostop(Windows)restoreConfig.bat -location /tmp -nostopBe aware that if you restore the configuration to a directory that is different from the directory that was backed up when you performed the backupConfig command, you might need to manually update some of the paths in the configuration directory.
Use command-line tools
backupConfig command