IIP modify installer properties
Use this panel to edit the installation properties of the selected installation package.
This panel is displayed when you click the Modify button for a selected installation package on the Installation selection panel.
Restriction: We can only modify those properties which the IIP creator designated as editable during IIP creation.
Installation package name
Display name of the installation package. This field is read only.
Default installation mode
Whether the installation package installs silently or launches its installation wizard. If you select silent installation, then specify a response file in the Response file directory path and file name field.
Installation directory path
Target installation directory path for the selected installation package. Enter the directory or click Browse to browse for the directory path on the local system Use macro values in addition to manually specifying the entire path.
Use the $RESV{invocationID:installLocation} macro value to use the installation directory of another contribution for the feature pack contribution. For example, if you want the feature pack to be installed into the same location as the WAS, ND contribution, the following macro can be used as install location for the feature pack: $RESV{6.1.0-WS-WASND_1-1:installLocation} where 6.1.0-WS-WASND_1-1 is the invocation identifier of the WAS, ND package.
Response file directory path and file name
Response file location for the selected installation package. Enter the directory path and file name or click Browse to browse for the file on the local system. Use macro values in addition to manually specifying the entire path. See IIP macro replacement for more information.
If a response file location was not provided by the IIP creator during IIP creation, then the default value will be $LOC{IIP}, which is a macro which resolves to the root directory of the IIP. We can specify a directory path using this value, or specify an absolute path.
Exit code actions
Specifies actions to take depending on the exit codes generated during package installation.
There are three main installation exit codes recognized by the IIP installer which will allow users to control the remaining IIP contribution installations.
- Installation cancelled by user
The user cancels the installation of the selected package invocation, either in the wizard or from the package command line.
- Installation is a partial success
The installation of the selected package invocation was successful but certain post-installation actions failed. This can be a recoverable situation or the package might need to be reinstalled.
- Installation failed
The installation of the selected package invocation failed.
We can specify one of the following actions to take for each exit code generated by the package:
- Ask user whether to stop or to continue the installation
Control is returned to the IIP installer wizard and we are prompted to perform some action. For example, we can change the selection of remaining contributions to install, stop installing, or continue installing without changing the current package installation.
- Continue installing the integrated installation package
The exit code will be ignored and the IIP installation process will continue to the next installation package invocation.
- Stop installing the integrated installation package
The IIP installation process will be stopped.
Related concepts
Related tasks
Related reference
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST