IIP installation selection
Use this panel to install the integrated installation package (IIP). To view this installation panel, run the installer program found in the IIP directory:
See Installing an IIP silently for a full list of silent installation parameters. Click Next on the Welcome panel.
Use the Installation Factory to create an IIP before you can install the IIP. See Developing and installing integrated installation packages for more information about creating an IIP. To install an IIP silently see Installing an IIP silently.
An IIP is comprised of contributions, which are installable packages like WAS, ND Version 6.1 or the Feature Pack for Web Services. Each package is listed in the main table in addition to various properties like installation mode, installation directory, and so on. We can only modify those properties which the IIP creator designated as editable during IIP creation.
The installation wizard installs each contribution in the order which was defined by the IIP creator during IIP creation. Although the IIP does not perform any prerequisite checking, each contribution will perform its own checking and will fail if the machine has not met the prerequisites. If installing multiple feature packs, refer to the online documentation for guidance concerning version synchronization requirements.
Restriction: We can only modify those properties which the IIP creator designated as editable during IIP creation.
If an IIP contains multiple contributions which are capable of installing remotely to IBM i (which is the case with several of the WAS install packages), the user will need to authenticate with the remote system each time a contribution is invoked, instead of once for the entire IIP. If including a feature pack CIP, please note that we cannot install a feature pack or interim fixes remotely using a CIP. You must run the CIP locally on the IBM i machine using the command-line interface. For information on installing WAS ND without any fixes, remotely from a Windows workstation, see the Installing a CIP using a Windows workstation graphical interface document.
Installation packages
Packages included in the IIP and their properties. We can reorder the columns for easier viewing.
- Installation name
Display name specified by the IIP creator during IIP creation.
- Status
Whether the package is selected to be installed or is deselected before installation. If this field is editable, then you will be able to select or clear the checkbox at the beginning of the installation package row to select or deselect the package. Deselected packages are skipped by the IIP install wizard during installation.
If you remove a package which is a prerequisite for another package then we are unable to install the next package. For example, if you deselect the application server package , then we are unable to install Feature Pack for Web Services if we have no existing appserver on the machine in the target directory.
This field also indicates the status of the package during and after installation. At the end of each installation, the status field shows whether the installation was successful. If it was not successful, the IIP will run the exit code action which you or the IIP creator specified for that package.
- Installation mode
Whether the installation package installs silently or launches its installation wizard.
- Installation directory
Specifies the target installation directory for the selected installation package.
- Response file directory path and file name
Specifies the response file location for the selected installation package.
- Invocation identifier
Unique ID that we cannot modify for every invocation of a contribution. The contribution ID is combined with a generated number, the SubID, to form an invocation ID which is unique within this IIP. For example, the invocation identifier of the first invocation of the WAS, ND product might be 6.1.0-WS-WASND_1-1. If the same installer package is used to install into a different directory, then the invocation identifier might be 6.1.0-WS-WASND_2-1.
Use the contribution ID helps separate contribution packages according to offering, edition, and version. The SubId further helps separate different “variations” of the contribution such as CIPs.
Select one of the following options to work with the selected installation package:
Button Resulting action Modify
Allows you to modify the properties of the selected installation package. This opens the Modify installer properties panel. We can only modify those properties which the IIP creator designated as editable during IIP creation. View Log
Allows you to view the installation log for the selected installation package if the log exists. View IIP Log
Allows you to view the overall IIP log. We can also view the log at IIP_root/iip/logs/log.txt. About
Specifies information about the IIP.
Package description for the selected contribution that was entered by the IIP creator in the IIP Build definition wizard.
Installation progress
Indicates the installation progress of the currently installing package and the progress of the overall IIP installation. This field can also indicate a next action for the user if one of the packages fails to install successfully.
Click Install to start the installation process.
If you click Cancel at any time during the installation, the current package will continue installing until completed but the next contribution will not be installed. We can modify the remaining contributions and continue the installation or we can choose to exit the installation wizard.
Click Finish to exit the installation wizard after all selected packages have been installed.
Related tasks
Related reference
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST