Install a CIP for WAS

Install a IBM WebSphere Application Server customized installation package (CIP) using the Installation wizard on distributed operating system platforms. You install from a CIP image created with the Installation Factory.

This topic describes one of the available installation procedures.

If this topic does not describe the procedure that you meant to select, click the link to the description of the appropriate installation procedure before you issue the install command.

Knowing which components to install and in what order to install them is important. Before starting this installation, read the "Planning the installation" topic in the WAS, V7.0 Information Center. The planning diagrams show typical topologies for WAS ND. The solutions are also available through the Installation solution diagrams link in the launchpad. Also read the "Using the launchpad to start the installation" topic.

Perform the following installation procedure to select available features for the base WebSphere Application Server product and to select characteristics for the appserver profile.


  1. Log on to the operating system. If installing as a non-root or non-administrative user, then there are certain limitations.




    [Solaris] <p> In addition, select a umask that allows the owner to read/write to the files, and allows others to access them according to the prevailing system policy. For root, a umask of 022 is recommended. For non-root users, a umask of 002 or 022 could be used, depending on whether or not the users share the group. To verify the umask setting, issue the following command:

    To set the umask setting to 022, issue the following command:
    umask 022

    [Windows] <p> When installing as an administrative user on a Windows operating system, a Windows service is automatically created to autostart the appserver. The installer user account must have the following advanced user rights:

    • Act as part of the operating system

    • Log on as a service

    For example, on some Windows operating systems, click Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignments to set the advanced options. See the Windows operating system documentation for more information.

    [Windows] <p> If you plan to run the appserver as a Windows service, do not install from a user ID that contains spaces. A user ID with spaces cannot be validated. Such a user ID is not allowed to continue the installation. To work around this restriction, install with a user ID that does not contain spaces.

  2. Access the root directory of the installation package on the hard disk, or insert the disc containing the installation package into the disc drive. If installing WAS ND from CD and the CIP installer is spanned across multiple CDs, you will be prompted during the installation for the next CD.

    Best practice: To avoid being prompted for subsequent CDs, copy all installation CDs into the same directory on the hard disk, name them DISC1. DISC2, and so on for each disc, and run the installer from the DISC1 directory. You will not be prompted for the next CD during installation if we have followed this naming convention. If installing silently, then use this naming convention or the installation will not proceed




    [Solaris] <p> Mount the drive if necessary.

  3. Start the installation.

    We can start the installation directly with the install command.

    • [AIX]



      [Solaris] <p> /WAS/install

    • [Windows] <p> \WAS\install

    [Windows] <p> Avoid trouble: There might be certain operating system policy restrictions if we are installing as a non-administrator on Windows 2003 on an AMD processor. We might not be able to run the install command by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer. Run the command from a command prompt or rename the command to something other than install.exe or setup.exe and run the command. If an error occurs with the Java SE Runtime Environment 6 (JRE 6), force the installation to use the correct runtime environment with the following command, where downloaded_directory is the name of the directory in which you downloaded the image:

    • [AIX]



      [Solaris] <p> ./install -is:javahome disk_mount_point/downloaded_directory /JDK/jre.pak/repository/

    • [Windows] <p> install -is:javahome disk_drive:\downloaded_directory \JDK\jre.pak\repository\\java\jre

  4. The installation wizard initializes and then displays the Welcome panel.

    Click Next to continue.

  5. The license agreement panel is displayed. Read the license agreement and accept its terms. After you accept the licensing terms, the installation wizard checks for a supported operating system and prerequisite patches.

    Although the installation wizard automatically checks for prerequisite operating system patches with the prereqChecker application, review the prerequisites on the WebSphere Application Server detailed system requirements Web site if we have not already done so. The Web site lists all supported operating systems and the operating system fixes and patches that install to have a compliant operating system. The installation process verifies that the minimum required version of a supported operating system is available. If you meet the minimum release requirements or are at a higher minor release of a supported operating system, then you will not encounter a prerequisite error. If not at the minimum version of a supported operating system, we can continue with the installation, but the installation or product operation might not succeed without applying maintenance. If at a higher major release of a supported operating system, or the operating system itself is not on the supported list, we might encounter the following warning:

    Warning: A supported operating system was not detected.
    Support for the operating system might have been added after the release of WAS ND.
    See the WAS detailed system requirements Web pages for more information
    about supported operating systems. We can continue with the installation, but the installation
    or product operation might not succeed without applying maintenance. Go to WAS support Web pages 
    to obtain the latest maintenance packages to apply after installation.

    Refer to the documentation for non-IBM prerequisite and corequisite products to learn how to migrate to their supported versions.

    Click the radio button beside the message I accept both the IBM and the non-IBM terms to agree to the license agreement and click Next to continue.

  6. The systems prerequisite check panel is displayed. After confirming that the operating system is supported and that we have installed all necessary patches, click Next to continue. The Installation wizard checks for a previous application server installation at the same product level.

  7. If installing WAS as a non-root user (or a non Administrator on Windows operating systems), then a panel is displayed indicating that a non-root user has been detected. This panel contains important information about installing as a non-root user. Read the "Non-root installation" topic in the WebSphere Application Server, V7.0 Information Center for more information. Click Next.

  8. After confirming that the operating system is supported and that we have installed all necessary patches, click Next to continue.

    The Installation wizard checks for a previous installation at the same product level.

    Specifically, the wizard looks for an existing installation. If the wizard detects a previous installation, it displays the Existing installation panel, where we can:

    • Add features to the existing installation

    • Perform a new installation to another directory

    • Perform an upgrade of a trial installation or an Express installation to the full product

    • Add maintenance from a CIP to the existing installation

    • Add files, directories, enterprise EAR files, and a configuration archive (CAR) file from a CIP to the existing installation

    • Use scripts in a CIP to configure the existing system

    This procedure assumes that you do not have an existing installation that you intend to update.

  9. Select features to install and click Next.

    A CIP might not have all features available to install. You can install only what was included in the CIP.

    If an existing installation is at a lower level than the CIP or at the same level as the CIP, the core product will be updated to the CIP level automatically. If an existing installation is at a higher level than the CIP, the core product will not be down leveled. The feature panel only shows the features we are missing, if you select to install the new feature from CIP, the installed features will be at the same level of CIP, which is lower than existing installation. Thus incremental install on a higher level of existing installation is not recommended. There are several features available:


      Install the sample applications

      Installs the samples applications for learning and demonstration environments. The samples are not recommended for installation on production environments.


      Install non-English language packages for the administrative console

      Installs all the non-English language files for using the admin console from machines with non-English locales. If you do not select this option then only the English language pack is installed.


      Install non-English language packages for the appserver runtime environment

      Installs all the non-English language files that support the appserver runtime environment such as the wsadmin tool and logging. If you do not select this option then only the English language pack is installed.

    The installation wizard displays a confirmation panel.

  10. Specify the destination of the installation root directory and click Next.

    Specify the location of the installation root directory for WAS binaries, which are also known as the core product files or system files. The core product files do not change unless you:

    • Install a CIP

    • Add a feature

    • Install service, such as fix packs or interim fixes

    • Install another product that extends the product.

    The system-owned default APP_ROOT directories for installing as a root user or an administrator user are different than the user-owned default APP_ROOT directories when installing as a non-root installer.


    The installer program checks for required space before calling the installation wizard. If you do not have enough space, stop the installation program, free space by deleting unused files and emptying the recycle bin, and restart the installation.

  11. Select an initial server environment on the WebSphere Application Server environments panel. The following values are valid:

    Table 1. Profile types
    Profile Type Description


    Create a management profile that provides the servers and services necessary to manage the WebSphere environment. We can select one of the following management profile types on the following panel:

    • Administrative agent

    Application server

    Create a standalone appserver profile.


    Do not create a profile during installation. However, if you do not create a profile during installation, then create a profile after installation to have an operational product.

  12. The admin security panel is displayed. Choose whether to enable admin security and click Next.

    The default setting is to enable admin security. Clear the check box to disable security or supply an administrative ID and password. If installing the samples on an application server profile, specify the samples security information in the samples section below the admin security section.


    • In environments where you plan to have multiple standalone application servers, the security policy of each appserver profile is independent of the others. Changes to the security policies in one appserver profile are not synchronized with the other profiles.

    • Write down the user name and password. We cannot log onto the administrative console without it. We cannot use WAS at all unless you know the ID and password.

  13. [Windows] <p> Choose whether to run the appserver as a Windows service on a Windows platform, then click Next.

    The installer attempts to start Windows services for appserver processes started by a startServer command. For example, if you configure an appserver as a Windows service and issue the startServer command, the wasservice command attempts to start the defined service.

    If you chose to install a local system service, you do not have to specify the user ID or password. If you create a specified user type of service, specify the user ID and the password for the user who is to run the service. The user must have Log on as a service authority for the service to run properly. To perform this installation task, the user ID must not have spaces in its name. The ID must also belong to the administrator group and must have the advanced user rights Act as part of the operating system and Log on as a service. The installation wizard grants the user ID the advanced user rights if it does not already have them, if the user ID belongs to the administrator group.

    You can also create other Windows services after the installation is complete, to start other server processes.

    The installation wizard shows which components are selected for installation in a pre-installation summary panel.

  14. The installation summary panel is displayed.

    • [AIX]



      [Solaris] <p> If installing as a non-root user, we can choose to verify whether we have the correct permissions to install WAS successfully. Select the Verify my permissions to perform the installation check box if you wish to verify the permissions to install WAS ND. If the permission check fails, then review your user permissions and retry the installation. Read the "Non-root installation" topic in the WAS, V7.0 Information Center for more information.

    • [Windows] <p> The verify permissions function is currently not available on Windows operating systems.

    Review the summary information. Click Next to install WAS code or Back to change the specifications.

    The installation wizard creates the uninstaller program and then displays a progress panel that shows which components are being installed.

  15. The Installation results panel is displayed. Verify the success of the installer program by examining the completion panel and the /logs/install/log.txt file to verify that there were no file system or other unusual errors while installing. If there are problems, correct them, and reinstall WAS ND. Important information about the profile you created is also available in /logs/AboutThisProfile.txt. Read the "Troubleshooting installation" topic for more information on other installation logs and log locations.

    The slip install log for the Installation Factory is located in the /logs/install/log.txt file, which is the same log file as for a normal installation. If the file already exists, a new log message is appended to the file.

    If problems occur, consult the following applicable logs:

    If the installation of the core product files fails, fix the error and reinstall.

    If the creation of a profile fails, fix the error and run the Profile Management Tool to recreate the profile.

    [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows] Troubleshoot the installation if the /logs/install/log.txt file or the /logs/manageprofiles/profile_name_create.log file does not contain a record of any errors, but errors exist.

    [iSeries] Troubleshoot the installation if the /logs/install/log.txt file or the /profileRegistry/logs/manageprofiles/create.log file does not contain a record of any errors, but errors exist.

    Read the "Troubleshooting installation" and the "Installation component troubleshooting tips" topics for more information.

    [Windows] <p> Examine the Start menu entry. The menu is an indication of a successful installation:

    If problems exist that cause you to reinstall WAS ND, correct the errors, uninstall WAS in the same way as the regular application server product, reboot a Windows machine or log off and back on as root on a machine with an operating system such as AIX or Linux, and reinstall.

  16. Click Finish to close the installation wizard.

    If you did not create a profile during the installation, the option to launch the Profile Management Tool is displayed. Use the Profile Management Tool to create an operational environment that includes a profile.

    See the profiles documentation for more information.

    If you did create a profile, select the check box to open the First Steps console then click Finish.



This procedure results in the installation wizard installing WAS into the installation root directory. The installation wizard creates a profile named default that provides the runtime environment for the server1 appserver.

Further configuration is not necessary at this time. However, we can create additional standalone appservers with the Profile Management Tool. Each profile is created in the $PROFILE_ROOT directory by default.

See the documentation on profiles for more information.


Next steps

Deploy an application to get started!

See Fast paths for WebSphere Application Server to get started deploying applications.

Related information


Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST