High availability cluster topology configuration for the cluster node to enable it to identify its place in the cluster with the other cluster members.
| Timeout, thread pool configuration, and buffer management configuration for each core group managed by the HAManager in the WAS ND environments and above.
| Details of the installed channels for the environment. This is little used and often contains no real configuration.
| Optional libraries to be deployed into a particular application environment, such as those for the JSF standard that adds additional functionality to the Web container.
| Reliable multicast messaging configuration for the data replication for high availability.
| Data persistence binding configuration.
| Security configuration of roles and user and group mappings to those roles for naming operations.
| Node topology information for the cell so the cell can identify its place in the cell.
| PMI performance metrics module configuration to identify what is being monitored and how WAS is monitoring it (that is, what level of monitoring, what components within that PMI configuration item are being monitored, and what Java level components are involved in that monitoring or reporting on that monitoring).
| Rule configuration for the WAS built-in application-level and system-level monitoring advisors. WAS can simply, with minimal overhead, be configured to monitor itself according to a set of rules to allow it to advise on any misconfiguration or improvements that can be made for a particular usage and set of applications. The mapping of the rules to the Java code that validates the environment against those rules and reports against them is configured in this file.
| Configuration file for the Web server plug-in that configures the Web servers for application mappings, weightings for use of a particular cluster member, and general cluster load balancing and high availability configuration to be used in routing decisions when forwarding a request from a Web server to an application server instance.
| PMI request metrics configuration for what subsystems metrics are available for and to be monitored for, and any filtering that is to be applied.
| Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) provider resource configuration for Common Business Events (CBE) that applications can emit and subscribe to. This is seen to best effect in the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation and WebSphere Process Server families. This was introduced with WAS 5.1.
| WAS 5.02 programming model extensions (PME) configuration such as the Dynamic Caching (dynacache). This was introduced with WAS 5.0.2.
| WAS programming model extensions for the more general WAS 5.0 products and above, such as the Object Pool Provider, the Work Manager Provider, and Scheduler Provider.
| J2C/JCA resource adapter providers that provide the underpinnings for EJB entity bean access to a particular DBMS, messaging provider configuration, and EIS integration product WAS configuration such as for integration with CICS or IMS. This file also contains the configuration for how these resource adapters are administered from within the WAS/J2EE environment.
| WAS, J2EE, and JCA security configuration for the server. Configuration for single signon, trust association interceptors, CSIv2 IIOP security, and so on all goes in here. If there is an issue with integrating WAS security with platform security, such as for Kerberos, examine the contents of this file. It also contains some user ID and password data in some configurations, access information to key stores, key information, and SSL configuration. If WAS is to be locked down securely, this file should be understood. It is one of the most important configuration files in any WAS environment.
| Contains the majority of the configuration for a particular WAS instance. It contains mappings, connection and buffer configuration, and component enablement configuration for the communications channels for the core WAS containers (that is, the Web Container, the EJB Container, the Service Integration Bus, and so on), thread pool configuration, and the majority of configuration items that are not covered elsewhere. This is the most important configuration file for a WAS instance.
| Contains the port listener configuration and mappings from WAS variable names configured elsewhere within the WAS configuration to actual values. This is important for a platform and network administrator to be aware of because the majority of these ports must be open at the platform level through any firewalls for WAS to function correctly. This is one of the most important configuration files in a WAS environment.
| Contains the Service Integration Bus (SIB) service configuration.
| Contains the configuration for the instance to enable system-level applications such as the file transfer service or management EJBs.
| Contains the substitution mappings from internal configuration variables (like environment variables) to their actual values for the specific WAS environment; for example, the WAS_CELL_NAME variable might be mapped to myhostnameWASCellName01.
| Contains the virtual host configuration and mime.types for that host for each of the virtual hosts configured for the environment. This will at the very least contain the configuration and mime types for default_host.
| Contains the security key and certificate store configuration, the login type and configuration, encryption configuration, and other security configuration for the WS-Security standard for Web services for WAS.