WS-Transaction policy settings
WS-AtomicTransaction supports coordination of activities so that either all the activities occur, or none of them occur.
WS-BusinessActivity supports coordination of activities that are more loosely coupled than atomic transactions, and that therefore, require a compensation process if an error occurs.
To specify policies...
Services | Policy sets | Application policy sets | policy_set_name | [Policy] WS-Transaction
Configure the WS-Transaction policy type for both client and provider policy sets.
- WS-AtomicTransaction
- Mandatory
- For a client, the client always propagates a WS-AT context on an outbound request. If there is no transaction on the thread when the request is made, the attempt to make the request fails.
For a server, any request that is received must include a WS-AT context, otherwise the request is rejected. If any WSDL is generated for the Web service with which the policy type is associated, a policy assertion is included that indicates that an operation must be invoked with an atomic transaction context.
- Supports
- For a client, the client can propagate a WS-AT context on an outbound request when it is available. For example, a transaction is associated with the thread that makes the request, and the policy of the provider requires WS-AT context.
For a server, if a request includes a WS-AT context, the context is imported and established on the thread before the request is processed. If a request does not include a WS-AT context, the request is processed as usual. If any WSDL is generated for the Web service with which the policy type is associated, a policy assertion is included that indicates that an operation supports invocation with an atomic transaction context when that context is available.
- Never
- For a client, the client never propagates a WS-AT context on an outbound request.
For a server, any request that is received must not include a WS-AT context, otherwise the request is rejected with a MustUnderstand error. If any WSDL is generated for the Web service with which the policy type is associated, that WSDL does not include a policy assertion for an atomic transaction context.
- WS-BuinessActivity
- Mandatory
- For a client, the client always propagates a WS-BA context on an outbound request. If there is no business activity scope on the thread when the request is made, the attempt to make the request fails.
For a server, any request that is received must include a WS-BA context, otherwise the request is rejected. If any WSDL is generated for the Web service with which the policy type is associated, a policy assertion is included that indicates that an operation must be invoked with a business activity context.
- Supports
- For a client, the client can propagate a WS-BA context on an outbound request when it is available. For example, a business activity scope is associated with the thread that makes the request, and the policy of the provider requires a WS-BA context.
For a server, if a request includes a WS-BA context, the context is imported and established on the thread before the request is processed.
If a request does not include a WS-BA context, the request is processed as usual. If any WSDL is generated for the Web service with which the policy type is associated, a policy assertion is included that indicates that an operation supports invocation with a business activity context when that context is available.
- Never
- For a client, the client never propagates a WS-BA context on an outbound request.
For a server, any request that is received must not include a WS-BA context, otherwise the request is rejected with a MustUnderstand error. If any WSDL is generated for the Web service with which the policy type is associated, that WSDL does not include a policy assertion for a business activity context.
Related concepts
Web Services Atomic Transaction support in the appserver
Web Services Business Activity support in the appserver
Transaction compensation and business activity support
Related tasks
Set a WS-Transaction policy set using wsadmin
Manage policy sets
Set the WS-Transaction policy
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console preference settings
Application policy sets collection
Application policy set settings
Service client.policy set and bindings collection
Service provider policy sets and bindings collection